Page 78 of The Light Within
“Why? What are you gonna do? Beat my ass?”
I choke on my water, drawing everyone’s attention.
“Are you okay, Will?” Bryan looks from me to Everleigh, his expression quizzical as the disappointment on Everleigh’s face is apparent to anyone who looks at her.
“Excuse me. Irelynn needs me.” She’s on her feet and hurrying toward Irelynn before I can say anything.
“What’s going on, Will? I’ve noticed some tension between you and Everleigh.”
“We’re fine, Bryan. Nothing to worry about.” I wave a hand dismissively before leaning back in my chair, my watchful gaze on Everleigh. Running my opposite hand idly over my splint, my heart sinks as I watch Everleigh, relaxed and happy, giggling with her friends.
Around me, she’s been tense or distracted and I know she’s either relieving the trauma again or trying damn hard to pretend it never happened.
But it’s relentless and unyielding, presenting itself every night when she wakes up screaming, her body trembling and covered in sweat.
It’s gotten to the point I barely sleep, watching her instead, waiting for the first sign of a nightmare. I try to wake her, but each time, she’s relieved enough of it to be distraught.
All I can do is hold her in my arms, stroking her hair and back, feeling completely helpless.
The feeling worsens daily as the shadows beneath her chocolate eyes grow deeper and darker and her smiles no longer brighten up her entire face.
Until today.
I brought up counseling yesterday, but she shut that idea down practically before I said it. I know Ainsley misusing her counseling skills and sending her mother into a spiraling depression really impacted her, but I was hoping she’d have a different view since she knows I was attending counseling sessions.
And then it hits me like a punch in the gut.
I’mthe cause of her nightmares.
It’s because ofmethat she was captured.
Even if she isn’t consciously aware, she must hold some resentment toward me for what she’s enduring.
It’s all my fucking fault.
I’m sitting inside my home office, my feet propped on my large mahogany desk, one ankle crossed over the other, staring at the ceiling, feeling completely fucking miserable.
A knock on the door pulls me from my thoughts. “Come in.”
The door opens and Savannah steps inside. Surprise contorts my features. I quickly school my face, trying to hide it, and sit up, lowering my feet to the floor.
“Hi, Will.” Her voice is timid. “Mind if I talk to you privately? I won’t take much of your time.”
“I have plenty of time to talk to you, Savannah.” I gesture toward the chair in front of my desk. “Please, shut the door and have a seat.”
She nods, closing the door, then pads to the chair, settling into it. She twists the hem of her shirt, her gaze bouncing around the room before it finally settles on me. She takes a calming breath before she says, “I know we haven’t talked much, at least not without others around. I’m a direct person even though sometimes what I say comes out… awkward.” Her cheeks are pink, enhancing her blue eyes, as she swallows nervously.
“I appreciate that, Savannah. Personally, I love direct and to the point. I value brutal honesty as well, so don’t think you need to sugarcoat anything.” I give her a warm smile, hoping to put her at ease.
She gives me a small smile, nodding before she shifts in her chair. “Everleigh and I are very close, sharing a lot of things. Obviously, her recent experience has traumatized her, and she’s trying to work through it.” She pauses as I nod, indicating for her to continue. “I know she’s opposed to counseling because of Ainsley, and I’m trying to convince her she should consider it. I think it could help her.”
I lean forward, studying Savannah, trying to figure out where she’s going with this. Everything she’s saying, I already know. But the knot in my stomach tells me there’s something more.
“Shit…” Her face turns scarlet as she heaves out a deep breath.
In a rush, her words tumble out. “Everleigh told me that the two of you aren’t having sex, and it’s really bothering her. More than she’s indicated to you.”
Embarrassment rolls over me, making me feel exposed, and causing me to turn my head away from her.