Page 86 of The Light Within
“Areyousureaboutthis, love?” My brows scrunch together, worry spinning through my being.
I watch her calmly scroll through her phone while sitting at the dining room table, wearing only her panties and my t-shirt as she sits beside me.
Everleigh’s chocolate eyes lift to mine, the flecks of gold brightening from the beam of sunlight that streams through the window. She narrows her gaze as she analyzes me, the crease between her brows deepening from my question. She shifts in the chair, crossing her legs so my shirt rides higher on her thighs, trying to distract me.
Nice try, goddess, but you won’t distract me from this.
“Did you see that picture of me and the bridesmaids that Darin captured? Irelynn tagged us on Instagram,” she says, ignoring my question.
I lean forward, placing my elbows on the table. “I saw it, love. It’s an amazing picture.” I grab my coffee and take a drink, letting her think she’s off the hook. Setting my coffee down, my eyes shoot to hers, my stare unrelenting. I let the silence swirl between us for a few beats before I speak.
“Stop evading the question,” I growl.
Everleigh rolls her eyes, propping her chin in her hand. “Your gruffness may work on everyone else, but it won’t work on me. I’m not scared of the manorthe beast.”
I level her with a look. “The beast is nearly ready to rear his head and smack your ass if you don’t answer the damn question.”
“Oh, threatening me with a good time.” She winks, enjoying the fact that she’s crawling under my skin.
And I let her.
Seeing the glow on her face and the sparkle in her eyes reminds me of how she was before she was captured.
Before she experienced the trauma that dimmed her glow.
Now it’s back, and I want it to stay indefinitely because I live for her pleasure.
I slide my chair back, crooking my finger at her, then pat my lap, knowing she will be pissed as hell, yet incredibly turned on.
Either way, I can handle her.
Pushing her chair back, she saunters over to me, pulling my shirt up over her hips, exposing her panties, before straddling me and settling on my lap. Her arms wrap around my neck, her lips inches from mine.
Her expression changes from flirty to serious, indicating she’s going to give me what I want. Determination lines her set jaw, her eye contact unwavering. “I’m certain, love. Zero doubts whatsoever. Where you go, I go.”
“I know that. But I need your assurance that you can handle this. That you won’t fear the monster taking you over completely.” I arch my brow, my stare intense and probing, waiting for her answer.
“Will, I need this. I’m… different from most. Some people talk to their friends. Write in a journal. Take up running. Turn to escapism.” She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, her eyes clouding over. “Or they see a therapist.” Her gaze drifts, and I know she’s thinking about what Ainsley did to her mother. I wish like hell I could change her perception, but I can’t. She needs to come to the realization on her own that not all therapists abuse their job for their own gain.
She blows out a breath. “I write in a journal, run on the treadmill, and talk to you and Savannah to sort things out.” Tightening her arms around my neck, her spine stiffens. “Instead of long, arduous therapy sessions, I torture and kill the motherfuckers who traumatize me.” Relaxing her posture, she shrugs one shoulder. “To each their own.”
My lips twitch before I burst into laughter. “This is exactly why you are the only woman I’ve ever loved. Why I’m going to spend the rest of my life with you.” My hand slides to her stomach. “And why you’re the only woman worthy of birthing my children.” I give her a smug smile. “Because you torture and kill the motherfuckers who harm you.”
She throws her head back, laughing. “All of that was so sweet… until that last sentence.” She rubs her nose against mine. “That final sentence was pure, fucking poetry at its finest.”
I chuckle, giving her a kiss. “That’s why we are soulmates.” Releasing her hips, I cup her face, knowing she’s going to grind against my dick, which she immediately does.
“Thank you for the note.”
She stops grinding, her face lighting up. “What did you think?” Her voice trembles with a hint of nervousness.
“That it’s the sweetest thing anyone has done for me.” My voice is low and deep, full of emotion. “I love you to the moon and back. To infinity and beyond, goddess.” Pressing my lips to hers, I show her how much her words meant to me.
When I pull back, she gives me a broad smile. “I’m glad. I meant every word.” Heat burns from her chocolate eyes as she grinds over me again. “And I’m really horny. Can I just ride you now?”
I chuckle, shoving my chair back and standing with her in my arms. Her eyes widen with surprise as I lay her on the table, yanking the shirt she’s wearing higher. She gasps as my fingers grip the waistband of her panties before ripping them off, man and beast desperate to taste her. “Not until I’ve had my breakfast.”
Then I kneel between her legs and worship her like the goddess she is.