Page 18 of Devious Bastard
Then he stuck his dick inside me and let me fuck him until I came again.
Shit.Drawing my knees up, my head drops to them.Why the hell am I having erotic dreams about my arrogant, pain-in-the-ass stepbrother?
With a sigh, I sit up, throwing the comforter off me.The good news is he’ll never know because I sure as hell amnottelling anyone.
As I slide out of bed, my nose wrinkles.God, I’m so damn wet. I do an awkward fast walk to the bathroom, sit on the toilet, and stare at the mess in my panties.Jesus Christ, Lexi. Look what you did.A long sigh escapes me.I’m never dreaming about Evan again.
Once finished, I strip out of my clothes and jump in the shower, wincing as the cold water pelts over my body. I subject myself to the discomfort and add more to it when I grab my loofah and pour an ample amount of body wash on it. Scrubbing furiously, I stare blankly into space, wishing I could somehow cleanse the dream from my mind.
Once I’ve finished showering and dressing, I head to the kitchen for a bottle of water. I’m on pins and needles as I creep down the hallway, my eyes darting around, looking for any signs of Evan.
I grab the note hanging on a clip on the fridge door and read it.
Sorry I’m not here to see you before your first class. I had an errand that couldn’t wait.
Don’t be nervous. You’ll do great. Hold your head high and know you belong here just as much as any of them.
Blinking rapidly, I clutch his note against my chest, tears springing to my eyes.
Why do his words mean so much to me?
And why am I disappointed he’s not here?
* * *
Blinking rapidly, I drive my blue Porsche the short distance to campus. The fluttery feeling in my stomach prevented me from doing more than taking one bite of my bagel before tossing it in the trash. My trembling fingers grip the steering wheel.Just because you had a bad experience in high school doesn’t mean it’ll happen here.
My pep talk does nothing to reassure me. I’m ready to flee and hide beneath the covers.
I spot Evan’s red Lamborghini parked in the back of the lot. Relief fills me as I park beside it.
After cutting the engine, I grab my backpack and climb out of my car. My hand trails down my new top as I inspect my outfit. My head snaps up as laughter rings in my ears. My heart pounds from the fear coursing through me, but the group of girls isn’t paying me attention.
As my gaze roams over their clothing, my tense posture relaxes. My black and white silky cami and white shorts were a good choice for my first day of class. Although I wanted to wear my comfy Converse sneakers, I strapped on my new black sandals and looked in the mirror. My feet will likely hurt from walking in three-inch heels by the end of the day, but it’s better than being bullied because of my attire.
I duck my head, trying to hide my nervousness as I weave through the students walking in pairs or groups, trying hard not to feel like a loser.
I hear Gram’s voice inside my head, the words she said to me in high school after the “Shane Reynolds fiasco” appropriate for the present circumstances.“You’ve got this, Lexi. You deserve to be here just as much as any of them. Don’t let the bastards get you down.”
Exhaling, I hold my head high, my Gram’s voice instilling me with a confidence I wouldn’t have otherwise felt. The words from Evan’s note circulate inside my head.“You belong here just as much as any of them.”
Hitching my backpack higher as I walk, I hear my phone beep and pull it from my back pocket, expecting it to be my mom. To my surprise, it’s from Evan. My heart beats faster as I read his words, even as I grin at the nickname I gave him.
Cocky Evan: Good luck in your first class, although I know you won’t need it. You’ve got this, Lexi. You belong here. Don’t forget that.
How can he be such an arrogant, annoying asshole one minute, then say something so sweet the next?I’ll never understand him.
Me: Thanks. You have no idea how much I needed to hear that.
Cocky Evan: Sorry I wasn’t there this morning. I had an important errand to run.
Me: It’s okay. Thanks for your kind words.
Sticking my phone in my back pocket, I mull over how complicated and confusing Evan is. I bite my lip.I hope like hell he’s not up to something.