Page 15 of Maverick
“Shit went sideways at the port,” Fox muttered without any preamble. “The shipping containers were mislabeled, and it's gonna take a day for our contacts to sort it. Since he’s not on this run, I sent Storm to handle shit there.”
Storm was our road captain and coordinated all of our runs, but he also led most of them because it satisfied his wanderlust. He was also an expert negotiator.
I nodded, crossing my arms over my chest and leaning back against the wall. “He’ll get it done. I’ll get on the phone with Cordell and let him know that it will be a partial delivery. Stone can take the rest up when—”
Fox held up his hand, cutting me off. “Cordell already called me, pissed as fuck. He’s paranoid and demanded I be the one to escort the final shipment.”
“Then I can go to the port, and Storm can go on this run.”
Prez shook his head and sighed, sitting on the desk behind him. “You know what I’m going to say, Mav.”
“No.” I wasn’t going to let that bastard drag me away from my woman the day after I brought her home. While shit was still unsettled with Mac.
“You know we’ll protect her.”
I trusted my brothers with my life, but things with Molly weren’t that simple. I’d never be able to be truly secure in her safety unless I was the one there to watch over her. “And if her dad figures out what happened and loses his shit?”
He ran his hands through his short hair and exhaled harshly. “I’ll deal with Mac. Just get on the road and get back fast.”
“Cordell and I are gonna have words about this bullshit, Fox. I’m tired of his bullshit. You know he only demands to work with you or me because it makes him look as though he’s in control of the situation?”
“Showing off for the rest of the family by only dealing with the top of the food chain. I’m aware,” Fox said dryly. He sat for a few beats, clearly thinking through something, then he stood and nodded. “Fine. Try not to lose him as a client but make it clear that he doesn’t call the shots anymore. He doesn’t agree, we’ll cut him loose.”
“Done.” I pushed away from the wall and yanked open the door. Once I stepped over the threshold, my eyes immediately sought out my gorgeous redhead. A man around my age was sitting in her chair, and they were talking quietly. He was dressed in jeans, a T-shirt, a leather vest, and leather cuffs on both wrists.
I rolled my eyes because there wasn’t a wrinkle, stain, or any sign of wear on anything. The poser was trying to look badass since he was in a shop run by an MC. But his three-hundred-dollar haircut and manicured hands more than gave him away.
Molly was sketching and hadn’t looked up at him once, which made me feel a little less homicidal when I noticed him checking her out. I stalked over and pulled her to her feet, then grasped her ass and hoisted her up so she had no choice but to circle my hips with her legs.
“What…?” she asked…clearly confused at what was happening.
“Kiss me,” I demanded in a low growl.
“Maverick, I have a client,” she hissed. “I’m working.”
“Kiss. Me.” My tone brooked no argument, and having grown up in my world, she knew that if she didn’t do as she’d been told, I’d lose credibility.
She glared at me for half a second, then wound her arms around my neck and brushed her mouth lightly over mine.
“That is not how you kiss your man, baby.” I didn’t just kiss her, I possessed her mouth, claimed it, forced her to submit, acknowledging that she was mine. My cock was rock hard, and I couldn’t help rubbing her against it as I devoured her. She moaned and tightened her arms around me.
Being with Molly was intoxicating, and I almost forgot where the fuck we were, and that we weren’t alone. But as much as I’d needed this to tide me over while I was gone, I’d also needed to stake my claim.
“What was that about?” she asked breathlessly when I finally let her up for air.
“Who do you belong to, Molly?”
Her eyes narrowed, and she pressed her lips together, clearly irritated as she realized what I’d been doing.
“Molly,” I snarled. “Who do you belong to?”
After a few breaths, she huffed and admitted, “You.”
“Damn fucking right. I gotta go on a run, baby. Should be back in a few days,” I told her. The spark of disappointment in her green pools soothed some of my raging possessiveness. “Fox was supposed to be the one going, but something came up that takes priority. The people involved will only deal with him or me, so I can’t send anyone else instead. Fucking hate leaving you.”
Molly sighed. “I know. I’ll just keep myself busy until you get back.”
I took her chin between my thumb and forefinger. “Wear my cut anytime you aren’t in our room, do you understand?”