Page 30 of Pucking the Players
"She's the girl in his instagram post," a girl hissed to her friends. "Are they dating?"
"There's no way," another laughed as if that were the funniest thing she ever heard. My stomach dropped and that little voice of insecurity jumped right back into play. I hadn't missed it and now my mood completely tanked.
"She's fat."
"So?" another said as if that made no sense. "She might be his type."
Their type, I corrected in my head as they walked away. I risked a glance at the girls who were wearing Hawks’ shirts. They were in their early twenties, I'd guess, and were a mix of fit and thin. Ugh, this was not the hit I needed to end the game on.
As the game raged on, I found myself dancing a little less, the weight of imaginary eyes forcing me to sit in my seat and be as small as possible to not draw more attention. When the second intermission hit, I avoided looking at them altogether. They'd kick my ass after the game for even entertaining the thoughts weighing me down; but no matter how hard I tried to ward them off, they'd settled back at home in my head.
The teams were tied as the third period came to a close. Overtime was impending if they didn't make this one.
The world slowed down as Brock said something to the guys and they all turned to look at me. It was as if something ignited in them at that point. They'd had their break as the second line took over during the second period, but now it was their time to close the game on a win.
My inner misery was briefly forgotten as they sank the winning goal in seconds before the time ran out, giving them a close, but definite win.
The entire crowd lost it, erupting in screams and cheers, my voice among them.
The cheers of the crowd were nothing on the yells from my team as they rushed the ice and piled on top of us. It was a close call and that anxiety they felt was echoed tenfold in our line. Elias and Tate grinned maniacally next to me, all of us shocked we'd pulled it off.
We were exhausted in the best way but just the thought of winning a date with Macy had us fighting with renewed vigor to land that final goal.
When I managed to fight my way out of the clutches of the team, her spot on the stands was empty and so was our bench. I didn't see her pink hair anywhere.
A frown took over as I turned to Tate who'd skated up next to me.
"I watched her head to the back hall."
"What the hell happened? Did she look upset?"
"Something was off, she looked tense," he admitted. "Do you think the prospect of all this was too much? Like the idea of a date scared her off?"
"No," I said but wasn't convincing. She wanted us as much as we wanted her. This had to be something else.
We skated off the ice and into the coach's speech. He was in a downright happy mood since we'd avoided the penalty box... for most of the game.
"Keep that up and we'll make it to the finals!" he yelled, earning a loud cheer from all of the Hawks. The sound reverberated off of the plexiglass and the excitement had me almost jittery.
This was the time we'd go find a puck bunny to fuck, instead, I just wanted a pink-haired princess.
"Team meal as soon as the crowds clear out," Coach Slade called out as he ushered us into the locker room. He was whistling as we made it out.
"Have we ever seen him whistle like that?"
"We've never kicked ass that hard. I don't know what got into you guys, but keep it up," Gold laughed, slapping me on the shoulder as he moved past me to his own locker.
The entire time I shucked off the heavy gear, I tried to make sense of what had Macy running again.
Then a thought hit me that had my fists clenching and stomach in knots.
"You don't think he showed up, do you?"
Elias and Tate turned to me, understanding dawning immediately in Tate's eyes but Elias was lost.