Page 50 of Pucking the Players
"You're all needed in the front," I said. "Practice is over but Dad scheduled you for a PR event."
"What is it?" he asked. His face was twisted in a grimace that only got worse when I shrugged.
"He set it up and gave me nothing. She wants help carrying in equipment."
"We'll be out, get your pretty ass out of here," he said, physically turning me and slapping my ass to rush me out of the door. I went without protest but stopped outside of the room, not willing to go face this without them.
Gold was the first to come out, followed by Bryant.
"Hey, Macy," Gold offered. "Did you convince Sam to give me a chance yet?"
I snorted. "She's going to be a tough one to convince. She'd be worth it, though."
"She would," he said, a dreamy look in his eyes as he started walking to the front.
"Don't talk to them," Elias joked as he walked out, his arm going around me as he led me after them.
"You can't ban me from talking to the others," I countered. He winced, realizing his joke was a bit too close to home.
"Sorry, it was a joke and mostly because he's a flirt," he said quickly. "I promise we aren't those dicks who won't let you talk to guys."
"It's part of my job," I reminded him, giving him a kiss on the cheek to show I wasn't actually mad. If I thought he meant it then we'd be having a very different conversation.
We made it to the front doors as the rest of the guys walked out of the back hall to join us. I led them all outside where Blake was waiting. She had a work van and was already pulling out crates of props and supplies, and a camera bag.
Photo shoot.
That I could handle.
"There's my help," she grinned. "Grab the crates, men."
They all grabbed her things and helped, leaving me and Blake behind. She fell into step beside me as we walked toward the door.
"There's a rumor in the sports world," she said quietly, stopping me in my tracks. Her voice was different now. It wasn't judgmental, more warning.
"Oh, really?" I asked. What was she talking about? The guys?
"Yes. We heard about the attack," she admitted.
Duh. I should have assumed it was about the building getting trashed. With everything happening in my life for some reason that fell to the back of my mind.
"We've installed some new security," I assured her. "The police are looking into the matter."
"Good," she said. "Just be careful. The owners of the new rink... I've heard things."
We both were stopped just outside the door. I frowned and turned her way fully.
"What things?"
She looked around like they might be lurking around the corners. This had turned not just awkward, but strange as hell.
"They just built a rink out in New York. The Ghosts were already there and this hot new team came to town," she said, doing a flourish with her hand, though her face was set in a scowl.
"What happened?" I asked. She knew I was invested, putting more emphasis on every word she spoke to lure me in further.
"City shut them down. They could have found a new rink, sure, but they recruited half the team and left the rest to go back to regular life."
She turned and walked inside, leaving me behind in stunned silence.