Page 58 of Pucking the Players
"If you value this hair, don't say another word. Ew. You know I meant the others. We pretend he doesn't exist in this equation," she said with a shudder. "Ugh, now I need to bleach my brain."
"I think Gold would be happy to start an orgasm competition with you," I teased.
"Ugh, that punk," she groaned. "I can't with his flirting. He couldn't even begin to handle me."
"Hey, it's always the ones you least expect that draw you in," I teased. "He could blow your mind."
She leveled me with a glare in the mirror and we both laughed. Sam could deny it all she wanted but we both damn well knew she loved the attention.
Sam tried to walk me through the different steps but when she saw me nodding along she turned me away from the mirror.
"You just get to wait until it's over."
Music blared in the background and we chatted on and off. My phone started going off two hours in and she handed it over.
"Answer this before I lose my damn mind," she said. Even if she could see over my shoulder I checked the chat, knowing it was them popping up.
There was an email, too.
My chest tightened as I opened it, knowing who it was from. I should have just changed the address but I had too many things tied to my current one. With dread forming in my stomach, I started to read.
Look, I know you didn't want anything to do with him and I won't pretend like I don't get it. I'm glad you're safe and hope you're moving on. I just wanted to let you know I did call an ambulance on Luke and he had an involuntary stay that they extended. I didn't want you to question if you did the right thing or if he was still alive. He is getting help, we aren't holding back anymore. This can be the closure you may need, if not, block this email, too. I won't reach out again. You have mine if you need anything.
"Hey, you okay?" Sam's voice was gentle, her hand squeezing my shoulder.
"Yeah," I admitted. "I am."
At first, I was angry that she would reach out again after I made it clear I wanted nothing to do with him. But after reading, I realized she was giving me a way to cut ties completely, to make sure I knew he had help and wouldn't be able to manipulate me again.
With a deep breath I sent that email to the trash and blocked her again. It was crazy how something so simple could pull away the residual worry and fear that had been lingering. I spent half the time worrying he'd pop up out of nowhere. Maybe he would one day, but it would be a stupid move. At least anything that happened then wouldn't be on my conscience.
The group messages were a lot less terrifying to open. I laughed as I scrolled through their teasing and demands.
Brock: What does spa day entail? Nails, Hair... massages?
Tate: Don't let anyone touch you. We'll give you a massage.
Elias: That ends much happier than one you'd get there.
It went on like that for a while and a smile rested on my face as I read. They weren't getting a reply, though. Not until I was on my way so I could surprise them.
"It's coming together," Macy sang out. "Come over and let me rinse you."
She wrapped a towel around my shoulders and helped me bend over the tub. Her sprayer unhooked so she took it down and rinsed. I watched the neon red water go down the drain. If this was my first time getting hair dyed I might have freaked out. Now I just relaxed and let the warm water run until it was clear.
Sam sprayed something in my hair and blow dried it. When I dry my hair like this I look like a poodle but I trusted her to have much better skills. When she finished, she did a little dance and motioned for me to turn.
My heart was pounding as I turned, but it all fell away as I took in the familiar hue. She'd managed to match it perfectly. This was the Macy that had her life together, that didn't have someone bringing her down, who still had hopes and dreams.
I was going to be her again. Now I felt like myself.
"Thank you," I said, blinking away tears. Sam didn't call me on it, she just gave me a quick hug and cleaned up before giving me time to change.
"Let me know how much they like it. Without gross details about my cousin," she said as she pulled up in front of the gym. I texted Tate to let him know I was coming before hopping out.
"Will do," I said. "All the gory details."