Page 67 of Pucking the Players
That cocky smile faded as we shoved security out of the way and faced off with the small-dicked prick.
"You’re the guys fucking my girlfriend," he huffed out, crossing his arms and trying to puff out his chest. He had the beginning of a beer gut and smelled like he hadn't showered in a week. Clearly, their breakup and being locked up didn't do him any favors.
Then Macy was there, shoving herself between us before we could respond.
"Don't. Your team needs you," she growled, not doing this for him, but us. I deflated a little at the mix of fear and worry in her eyes but Tate didn't have any reservations. He gently moved her out of the way before picking the guy up by his shirt and slamming him into the railing.
"The fact you think we won't risk our entire fucking record for her is laughable. You chose to fuck around, now it's time to find out."
He punctuated his words by swinging, his fist slamming into Luke's gut. The guy doubled over as the air whooshed from his lungs and Macy gasped.
That was all Brock and I needed to dive in, three on one, teaching this asshole that he didn't get to push women around. We managed to get in only a hit each before the cops were pulling us off of him. He had a black eye and a swollen lip, blood pouring from it.
"Break it up!" the cops yelled, trying to drag three hockey players away but we were like crocodiles on the hunt, refusing until all we left behind of this asshole was a bloody pulp.
"He started it!" the crowd yelled.
"He broke the restraining order," Macy said, defending us. The cops managed to get Luke outside and Coach Slade broke through the chaos.
"Sit the fuck down, Hawks!" At the team name, I turned around to see our entire fucking team backing us up. I let out a laugh, though it was slightly wild and unhinged. The Hawks didn't do anything by halves. I had a feeling he wouldn't come crawling back to her after this.
His ego was as broken as his jaw.
We gave the crowd a good show tonight it seemed. Though half the fans in the stands were talking to the cops and defending us. I had a feeling there wouldn't be any charges thrown our way. He was an idiot, but one who broke the law. We could easily argue self defense.
Especially since he was able to be walked out and not wheeled out.
When they finally let us go we went to the locker room, making sure Macy waited with Coach, before loading up in our truck. Macy was quiet but we didn't push, not until we were home at least.
"Stop," I said as she started pushing her way inside. Roscoe was already barking inside and she crouched down to clip on his leash. She glanced up and I saw how close she was to a panic attack.
"Let's go for a walk," Tate said gently. She nodded, still not speaking, and let us walk with her outside and down the street to the dog park. Even Roscoe was gentle with her tonight, licking her hand and walking with his little body almost pressing into hers. His usual excitement was toned down.
When we got there, she let him off leash and I guided her to the bench nearby. Brock pulled her into his lap and we all pushed in close, giving her the support she needed.
"Thanks for being there for me," she finally said. Her voice was stronger now than I expected.
"I wanted to kill him," Tate admitted.
"Thanks for not doing that," she laughed. The chuckle turned into a full belly laugh that had tears falling from her eyes. We held on, letting her spill out her emotions before she quieted, still giggling softly. "He told me that I look like shit and I must be paying you guys to date me. Oh and I'm a cheating whore."
"How is that funny?" Brock asked, genuinely confused.
"Because it's bullshit," she laughed. "For the first fucking time, it felt like he was a pathetic loser and not someone whose opinion matters. I think this is what healing feels like."
"I'm proud of you. You are amazing and deserve to be happy. Fuck him," I said vehemently. She pulled me in and pressed her lips to mine.
"I love you guys," she admitted.
The warmth that exploded in my chest at her words was all-consuming. Brock slammed his lips to hers and Tate pulled her onto his lap next, whispering something in her ear that had her face flaming red.
"I love you, red," I said, my voice husky with emotion.
"You guys won," she said, then horror struck her face. "Oh god, I ruined it. You should be out celebrating. I've got Roscoe. Go!"
"Absolutely not," I laughed. "I'll celebrate by burying myself inside you once we get home.
"I can get behind that plan," Brock grinned, his lips trailing over her neck as Tate nibbled on her ear. She moaned and squirmed in Tate's lap.