Page 75 of Pucking the Players
If that isn't motivation, I don't know what is.
Over and over the mantra pulsed through the stadium. I'd never been able to experience this level of support from fans. Sure, during our college days, they would get excited but I wasn't the star back then. Right now they were chanting…for me
It was a heady, powerful feeling, and I wasn't about to let it go to waste. I used the motivation to push my body even further, not even registering the burn of my muscles as my eyes calculated the weak point on the goalie. He always favored to one side, so I feinted to that side before slamming the puck into the goal. My chest burned as I held my breath. Even the crowd was silent as it seemed to sail in slow motion, past him, and into the net.
The loud buzz of the scoreboard sounded off as it added our lead. The crowd erupted into cheers and it was near deafening as it thundered through the rink.
We'd fucking done it.
The timer counted down the last few seconds of the game but there was no chance of recovery now. We fought hard to keep our lead as it ticked down. Our second line landed another goal right before the buzzer called the end of the period.
Even Coach was losing his mind, a broad smile across his face as he pulled us all in for a rough hug.
It might have been funny if I didn't feel so damn good.
As I pulled off some of my gear, I grabbed Tate and slammed my lips to his, not giving a single fuck if anyone saw us. He let out a choking sound of surprise before he melted into the kiss. I could hear screams and yells from around us but I ignored them all as we pulled apart. He gave me a half smile, cheeks heating, but he looked happy.
"We fucking did it."
"Hell, yeah we did," I grinned. Something passed between us, a moment of pure contentment, and my chest flared with warmth. He was mine just as much as Macy was now. "I love you, Tate."
His eyes widened. We had been together but hadn't gone that far. I didn't expect him to reciprocate but he smiled brightly.
"I love you, too." We weren't the sappy type, but in this moment, I needed him to know that.
We pulled apart and I looked around to spot our girl. Macy was trying to fight her way to us. Even if the plexiglass separated us, I wanted to see her.
Thankfully, our fans knew exactly who she was at this point, helping make sure she reached the spot behind our bench.
I kissed my hand and placed it against the barrier, her doing the same. She was screaming her head off with the crowd.
Elias and Tate joined us, our hands pressing against opposite sides of the glass. I couldn't imagine doing any of this without them.
The flash of something and us turning in time to see a reporting grinning at us like a mad woman. She gave a wink then took a few more shots.
"This is going to make the paper tomorrow," Tate said. Even after our moment there was a hint of hesitation in his gaze. "You good with that, Captain?"
"I've got nothing to hide," I said, pulling him into me again and kissing him hard. It was a possessive claiming that wouldn't leave any doubt in his mind. there was another flash and I could hear Macy screaming louder than the crowd.
Nothing would top this feeling.
* * *
I thought nothing would top the feeling of winning until I walked into our hotel room to find Macy wearing my jersey.
With nothing else.
We dropped our bags and closed the door behind us. I was even happier than before that we'd had the foresight to get this room for the night. Macy's mom was watching Roscoe for the night in case we were recovering or celebrating.
We weren't the only ones to do so. There was a party raging just down the hall and somehow the hotel was turning a blind eye to it all.
None of that mattered to me. I had no need to celebrate anywhere but right here.
"You guys were amazing," Macy gushed. Her eyes were sparkling and she looked almost giddy with excitement. My heart clenched in my chest at the sight. She was so proud of us, watching every game we played, for a sport she didn't enjoy before us.
"I think she'll look even better with it off," Tate said as he pushed me out of the way, locking his lips to hers. HIs hands skimmed under the jersey that barely hid her body from us. He gently worked it up her torso until his hands reached her breasts, cupping them and teasing her as he backed her into the bed. She let out a laugh, but it was breathless and needy.
"This might be my favorite way to celebrate," Elias said as he moved in closer, shifting them so he was behind her, sandwiching her between them. He swept her red hair out of the way, fisting it in his hand as he nibbled at the back of her neck.