Page 78 of Pucking the Players
Tate groaned and slammed into her one last time, filling her with his cum. The feel of their shared orgasm was enough to pull me into my own, my balls drawing up tight before cum burst out of me. It was the best orgasm I’d had in a long fucking time.
“Are you alright?” I asked as I gently pulled out of her. She had collapsed on Tate again and just nodded her head as she tried to get her bearings.
“Give a girl a minute. Fucking champions is exhausting.”
A Year Later
I'd never been more nervous in my life than walking into the Hawks' rink tonight. We just ended a successful season, though this year we didn't make it to the championships like last. The guys were bummed but still excited that they had made it so far again.
Even with the loss we had more support than we’d ever had before. After my father officially turned down the insane offers to buy the team and threatened legal action if they stepped out of line again, the harassment finally stopped.
Everything except trash talk on ice, at least.
That and we have actual security systems in place now.
Our partnership with Furry Friends wasn't the only one we’d made since I joined. We did several fundraisers throughout the year and we also did raffles during the games. It got to the point that we were able to update our merch shop and even boost our ticket sales to a higher level than we ever thought possible.
Dad was able to take more time away from the rink, giving me more responsibilities.
When I wasn't there, I spent every second I could with my guys... and Roscoe, of course.
In the past year, I'd gone through more change and healing in my life than I'd ever thought possible. I left a situation that left me feeling broken on the inside, to one that didn't heal me, but helped me heal myself.
The rink was quiet when I walked inside. Lights still flared overhead but the ice was empty. Faint sounds echoed from the locker room, so I made my way down the hall, sticking my head in Dad's office, knocking gently on the door. His smile was bright as he looked up to see me.
"I thought you were home today?"
"Just checking in," I said quickly. He couldn't know my news yet, so I kept my lips pressed together in a small smile.
"I have something to show you, I'm glad you came by," he said quickly.
Dad nearly jumped out of his chair to get to me before leading me back to the hallway. When he headed for the equipment room, I was completely lost. We had hired more staff, including an equipment manager. It had been weeks if not months since I'd stepped into the dusty room.
What could he possibly show me there?
When he stepped aside to let me in, my jaw dropped. It was no longer storage, but an office.
"What is this?"
He tapped the door in answer, showing off a small gold and black plaque.
It wasn't just an office, it wasmyoffice. My name was emblazoned on the gold square, my title underneath.
Co-owner and facility manager.
Despite my protests he'd already upped my pay every quarter. Now this?
"Dad," I breathed out.
"The team helped out. They thought you needed a place to call your own and we all know my old office isn't it," he teased, letting out a low chuckle. He was happier these days, less stressed, and it showed. This was the dad I wanted to see.
Easy smiles and passion about his life.
"Sam helped a little bit with the decorations."