Page 51 of Alien Devil's Gamble
Elara took a steadying breath. “Before Draven, I never had any real friends. But from the moment we met, I knew he was special. And now...” She looked around the table, eyes shining. “Now I have a whole family. I can’t describe what that means to me. So thank you, all of you, from the bottom of my heart.”
Alkard inclined his head graciously. “Seeing Draven happy is thanks enough for us.”
I reached for Elara’s free hand, cradling it within both of mine. “And I’ll be happy with you forever.”
“I don’t know if this is customary,” Elara went on. “But I hereby pledge my loyalty to Clan Vinduthi. Use me as you see fit.”
Amid the enthusiastic cheering and applause, I mouthed “Well done” to Elara. Her answering smile lit up the room.
As she reclaimed her seat, Laux leaned toward me conspiratorially. “What are your plans for the flower shop? Reopen it?”
Elara looked between Alkard and I questioningly. I shrugged. “We could make it bigger and better if you’d like. The casino would be happy to finance renovations.”
Alkard waved a hand. “Business details later. If Elara wishes to continue with the florist shop, she’ll have my full support.” He winked and I nearly choked on my drink. “As a free woman, of course. It’s served us well so far, in its own way.”
Jalik raised his glass, eyes twinkling. “To be so accommodating of your mate working! You’re a rare gentleman among us, Alkard.”
Our glasses clinked again, toasting to health and prosperity. As Elara chatted animatedly with Tessi, Alkard came around to take the seat beside me that Laux vacated. He leaned in close.
“You should take Elara to my home in the Gardens soon. You both have my blessing to visit whenever you’d like.”
I nodded gratefully—the Gardens were an exclusive, privileged place. “Thank you, my friend. She would love it there.”
The rest of the evening passed enjoyably. When the exorbitant bill arrived, I paid without blinking. It was a pittance compared to what the casino brought in daily.
The return hover flight was peaceful, Elara dozing contently against my shoulder as I piloted us down through the glittering city to the humbler streets below. I walked her to the door of my apartment, scooping her into my arms when she stumbled drowsily.
Inside, I carried her straight to bed, laying her gently atop the silken sheets and climbing in behind her. She was out cold in moments, not yet used to the demands her transition placed on her mortal form.
As I drifted off with her head pillowed on my chest, I decided today couldn’t have gone better. Elara was accepted and celebrated by my clan, and most importantly, I had her by my side. The future stretched ahead bright and full of promise for us both.
“I’ve planned a special day out,” Draven announced the next morning. “Drink up and get ready. I think you’ll really enjoy this surprise.”
I quickly downed my trishem and sprang to my feet, curiosity piqued. “That sounds intriguing. Where are we going?”
Draven’s smile held a hint of mischief. “It’s going to stay a surprise for now.”
“Okay,” I sighed, mind racing with possibilities. I loved surprises. “This better be good!”
“Oh, it will be,” he promised cryptically. “You’re going to love it.”
I glanced down at my casual outfit of loose pants and shoes. “Can you at least give me a hint as to what to wear?”
Draven looked me over appreciatively, eyes lingering. “You look perfect just as you are.”
I laughed. “So not somewhere fancy then? Is it Grab and Smash?” I guessed playfully. Grab and Smash was a riotous holo-deck game for all ages involving VR shotguns and staged heists.
Draven chuckled, taking my hand. “Much more refined than that, though I’ll keep that in mind for future dates. You’ll find out soon enough.”
I allowed him to lead me from the apartment, resolve growing. “Fine, keep your secrets. But I’ll guess where we’re headed before we arrive!”
His grin turned wicked. “Care to make it interesting then? What shall we wager?”
I tapped my chin thoughtfully before my own smile turned sultry. “The winner’s pleasure...”
Draven barked a laugh, gripping my hand tight. “Now that’s a bet I’ll take every time. You’re on.”