Page 29 of Eight Bikers' Heir
Aisling gasped when I reached down and grabbed her, pulling her up on the flat edge of the tub. She held onto the sides to keep herself from falling over as I knelt between her legs, my face pressing between her thighs.
A blissful gasp rang from her as I swiped my tongue up through her folds. She buried her fingers in my hair with one hand, her back arching as my tongue flicked against her clit.
“Link…” she moaned.
I dug my fingertips into her thighs, anchoring her down as I pressed my mouth flush against her center. I let my tongue explore every inch of her, teasing her entrance and caressing her clit. She was addictingly tasty, pleasure shooting through me just from her enjoyment.
Aisling’s body started to tense more and more with each brush of my tongue or caress of my lips. She threw her head back when I sucked on her clit, pleasure jolting through her.
“I can’t… I won’t last,” she breathed out as she tugged on my hair.
I wanted her to fall apart for me. To look at me and remember how hard I made her come. With just a few more strokes of my tongue, she shuddered through an intense orgasm, her breathy moans echoing throughout the bathroom and spilling into the bedroom.
Aisling gradually relaxed, seeming to melt as she came down from the bliss and adrenaline.
“Oh, woah,” she murmured.
Now, that was definitely a lot of excitement for one day. I leaned up and captured her lips in a slow kiss, letting her taste herself and showing her just how much I enjoyed that.
And just how much I wanted to do that all over again.
As a few weeks passed by, my feelings toward the guys were getting more and more confusing.
With a thoughtful furrow in my brow, I chopped up an onion in the clubhouse’s small kitchen, listening to Chris and Claude chat behind me as they prepared chicken breasts and gold potatoes to be cooked for tonight’s dinner with everyone.
Gradually, I’d started becoming more involved in the group’s activities. Besides the illegal ones that I ignored.
It was for the best, and stress wouldn’t be good for the baby.
As I listened to their laughter, my heart thumped heavily in my chest. I liked their laughs. Their voices. Their looks.
I liked so many things about all of the guys that the line between business and pleasure was getting more and more blurred by the day.
Yes, this was a business arrangement, but the moments of intimacy and sweetness that I shared with everyone—everyone besides Bradley, at least—wasn’t mentioned in the terms.
I thought that they would just check on me to make sure that I was breathing and take me to doctor’s appointments, but that wasn’t the case.
It felt like we were playing house right now because we were cooking for a big dinner with everyone. Like a true family dinner, which was honestly a bit jarring to me.
I was so used to eating dinner alone or with other foster kids who didn’t care to talk to me. Having a family dinner wasn’t something that I was familiar with, and now that I was able to experience it, I had definitely been missing out.
This level of casual bonding was something special and not just because it was new to me.
However, as much as the thought of that made my chest feel all warm and fluffy, I knew that this wasn’t a permanent arrangement.
I didn’t need to get attached to guys who possibly just saw me as an incubator for their heir.
But that was the thing. I didn’t believe that they saw me just as that.
They smiled too much. Touched me too much. Why would they put so much effort into making me feel comfortable and safe if they just saw me as a means to an end?
Unless I was just making things up in my head to cope with the pain of having to go back to a lonely, confusing life. Or it was my immature self acting naïve. That had gotten me in trouble before and made me lose my apartment.
“Done with the onion, Aisling?” Claude asked as he came up behind me, resting his hand on my lower back like it was the most natural thing.