Page 33 of Eight Bikers' Heir
Hopefully, they weren’t stupid enough to catch feelings for her, or things would get even more complicated.
“You were in there for a while,” Auden commented from the bar.
“Shut up,” I muttered, not wanting to hear it from him. My eyes flickered over to Aisling, who was subtly smiling with her teeth pressed into her bottom lip.
Fuck, those lips.
I got the hell out of there, looking in one of the other bedrooms that we sometimes crashed in to find some spare clothes in the closet.
It was so difficult being anywhere near her, but I had the rest of one year to go. I didn’t know how the hell I was going to make it, but I was going to be stronger than the others.
I had to be so that I could look out for them!
While they were having fun playing house, I was looking on the outside, watching the enemy and just waiting for them to uncover our plan. That was when all hell would break loose.
And I couldn’t help but fear that we wouldn’t be focused enough to be prepared.
What was the point of an heir if there were no original members alive to raise them?
Obviously, being stuck at the clubhouse most of the time got boring at times.
Before I was as big as a balloon, I wouldn’t mind going out and doing things. The guys were insistent that I stay safe and healthy, which meant hiding away from the world in the safety of the clubhouse most of the time, but I was starting to get stir crazy.
While the guys put on their leather riding gear in the main room, I left my bedroom and walked over to Hayden, who was the Road Captain who organized all the rides.
“So, what’s on the itinerary for today?” I asked him with an innocent smile on my face.
Hayden chuckled as he pulled on his leather jacket that smelled so good, especially along with his woodsy cologne.
“Why do you want to know?” he replied, seeming genuinely curious.
“Because I’m dying of boredom,” I admitted.
Hayden clicked his tongue at me as he walked closer to me, looking as good as ever with his dark facial hair and mischievous eyes. He was all rugged and strong, towering over me.
“Are you saying you want to come along with us?” he asked.
“Depends on what you’re doing,” I clarified.
“We’re doing a group ride. We like to check out the area. Make sure no one is trying any funny stuff,” Hayden replied before motioning for Kai to come over. “She wants to come along today.”
“Oh, really?” Kai replied as he cocked an eyebrow at me. “Sure you’re up for that?”
I flashed him a determined look.
“Yes,” I said.
Kai’s lips formed a smirk as he nodded.
“Let me get you some gear to put on. It’ll be a little big, but it’ll keep you safe,” he told me before heading off.
“What’s this I hear? Someone’s coming on a ride with us?” Cameron asked as he walked over to us with an intrigued look on his face.
Hayden nodded to me.