Page 18 of Rocky Mountain Hero
Stifling a laugh, I press my lips together. Elyssa’s eyes are wide in confusion and delight as Logan continues to tell her dinosaur jokes he learned at day care and Bridget climbs her chest like it was a mountain challenge.
She was covered in kids, surrounded by toys but glowed with a happiness that made my chest tight with pride. She liked being here with us. The connection she’d developed with both of them had been swift but strong. They had been through so much in the last year, having another grounding female presence was helping them blossom in their new home.
We were all still adapting, getting stronger each day, but I knew the grief would never fully disappear. And that was okay. It meant that my sister’s love was all around us. I would make sure the kids remembered their mom and dad. I’d continue to tell them stories as they grew up and show them pictures. Their influence would never be far.
Yet moving forward was good too. And that’s what it felt like with Elyssa in our lives. Like we were all taking a step forward and creating something new. A unique kind of family, but one filled with so much love.
I was in love with her.
Elyssa throws her head back on a laugh, and Logan chuckles proudly beside her. He leans heavily on her, and she runs a hand through his blond hair. I see the way he looks up at her. With adoration.
I know that feeling.
Not wanting to break up comedy central on the couch, but taking note of the time, I walk over to Logan and pick him up—airplane style. His giggle echoes around the apartment as I fly him into his room and pretend throw him on the bed.
It takes us ten minutes in between a tickle fight and more dino jokes for us to get his overnight bag together. I make sure all his favorite things are packed away and throw in some extra clothes just in case.
We’ve just left his room in a fit of laughter when there’s a light knock on the door and my mom pokes her head in. A knowing grin crosses her face when she spots Elyssa on the couch holding a sleeping Bridget.
After passing Mom the overnight bag and giving her time to hug and kiss Logan, I walk over to Elyssa to get Bridget. Carefully, I take her in my arms, staying low so that I can give Elyssa a quick kiss too.
“I’ll be right back. Going to help Mom get these hooligans in the car.”
In a daze, she nods.
“You and Elyssa look very happy,” Mom says as she’s strapping in Bridget to her car seat. She’s stealing glances at me, waiting for a response.
“It’s pretty new but yes, we are.”
“When did this happen?”
“Couple weeks ago. She was part of the fire crew that showed up when I set the smoke alarm off.”
Mom snorts, shaking her head at me. “You would run into your childhood crush like that.”
I open my mouth, about to agree with her when her words sink in.
“Wait. You knew about my crush on her?”
“Scotty.” She says my name in that mom way, like I can get nothing past her. “It was adorably clear you liked her. You always snuck glances at her whenever we’d drop Davis back at home or if she was in the same room.”
“Jesus,” I murmur to myself, running a hand over my warm cheeks. I hadn’t realized I’d been that obvious when I was younger.
“Don’t fret, dear. I don’t think many people knew. Only your dad, sister and I knew. And Maybe the Laidlaws too.”
Yeah, not too many people. The need to roll my eyes was extreme but I held back to show respect to my mom.
“Well, doesn’t matter. We’re together now.”
“I’m happy for you. Is it serious?”
The car door slams shut, and I wedge my hands in my front pockets.
“Yes. It’s serious. My heart’s already involved.”
Erasing the distance between us, Mom throws her arms around me. My arms instantly encircle her too, absorbing her comfort that only moms can provide.
“Oh, Scotty, I know.”