Page 23 of Rocky Mountain Hero
“I thought you were seriously hurt. Sebastian called, I think. It all happened so fast and the connection was bad.” I lean back so I can see his face, not daring to leave his arms. I still need the reassurance.
It’s then that I notice the bandage on his head and upper arm.
“Nothing serious,” he interjects quickly. “Everything is fine.”
He must see the disbelief in my eyes, thinking he’s coddling me, so he continues.
“Well, relatively fine. We didn’t even make it to the rescue site. Our team was only minutes into the journey when we got the report that they had been found by another hiking party and safely returned to a nearby lodge. Both men are here getting seen to. One is in surgery for a broken leg.”
A little bit of weight is lifted off my shoulders at learning that. Those men must have been the people the nurse had spoken about and my mind drew its own conclusions.
“I sustained these injuries when the Jeep got stuck in the muddy snow. Like an idiot, while I was helping to push the vehicle back onto solid road, I slipped and hit my head.” He gestures to the bandage on the edge of his hairline.
“And your arm?”
“Five stitches. A hidden branch slipped through my jumpsuit.”
“Jesus,” I whisper, pressing my body back into his. “I was so worried.”
“I’m sorry, baby. Didn’t mean to scare you like this.”
“I just love you so much. I can’t help but worry.”
It takes a moment for both of us to realize what I just admitted. A blush begins to heat on my cheeks, and I try to step out of his arms. Scott won’t let me go.
Tucking his head down to me, he kisses my forehead.
“I love you too, Elyssa. This may seem fast, but I know my heart. I know you hold it.”
New tears pool in my eyes. At his words, warmth spreads through my body, love filling every limb and cell. Tilting my chin up so that I can see his brilliant blue eyes, I rise on my tiptoes so that I can reach his lips and give him a soft kiss to seal the deal.
I am his. He is mine.
Together there isn’t anything we can’t weather.
From my spot in the kitchen, I watch as Bridget waddles over to Elyssa and lifts her chubby arms in silent demand. Pulling her attention off Willa, she reaches down for Bridget with a wide smile, bringing the girl up to eye level. Hair is immediately pulled with a delighted squeal.
My heart clenches at the sight, as it always does. She is so good with the kids. An amazing partner and soon-to-be fiancée. If I kept my nerve. I don’t know why I’d thought proposing at a family event would be a good idea, but there was no going back now. Both moms knew and if I waited for a more private moment I was sure I would never hear the end of it. Good-naturedly of course.
“So,” Davis grunts, grabbing a bottle of water and making his way to me. “My sister’s been living with you for five months now. When are you going to get your head out of your ass and ask her to marry you?”
His demand is made with a slight smile on lips. I know Davis well enough to know that he’s not angry, he’s curious. I’m sure the whole family is.
After the disastrous night that led me to be stitched up at the hospital, I hadn’t wasted any time in asking Elyssa to move in with me and the kids. I loved her too much to be separated from her, even if both our demanding work schedules had us stealing kisses only some days.
The transition with the kids had been seamless. Honestly, the kids were blossoming with having Elyssa around. I didn’t think life could get any more perfect.
I bring my gaze back to Elyssa and a calm settles over me. This is the moment.
Giving Davis a sly grin, I reply for his ears only, “Right fucking now.”
I put down my drink, squeeze my hand into my front pocket and grab the ring I’d bought last month. Elyssa must feel my gaze on her because her head pops up and she sends a beautiful smile my way.