Page 7 of Sleigh My Name
“Gigi, look at me.” When her big worried eyes hit mine, I nod. “She’s going to be fine. She was hit pretty hard and I’m guessing has a concussion. Possibly some nasty bruises, but she’s going to be okay. I’ll have Pen call you as soon as she’s able. Okay?”
She takes a deep breath. “Okay. Thanks, Carter.”
With one last nod, I shut the door and head out. My words to Gigi were confident, but as I glance in the rear-view mirror, checking Penny, my hands grip the steering wheel tight with nerves. Sheisgoing to be okay.
She has to be.
We’ve just hit the main road leading to the hospital when I hear the shuffle of clothing from the back seat. My lips are about to turn up in a smile, my tongue ready to reassure her that she is okay and safe…but when her eyes come to me, I can tell something is wrong.
“Who are you?” she whispers, body going tense. Her gaze darts all around, hands going to the seatbelt and squeezing hard. “What the hell is happening? Where are you taking me?”
My eyes dart back and forth from the road to the rear-view mirror. I’m absolutely stunned, words not forming fast enough to calm the storm that’s about to hit.
Penny doesn’t know who I am. Does she have no recollection of what happened?
“Penny,” I begin but don’t get to finish. Penny screams, and the realization that I’ve majorly fucked up hits me square in the chest.
Chapter Four
Idon’t like the quiet. I never have.
That’s the first indication that something is wrong. Usually, I have my white noise machine on to help me drown out the clutter in my head as I try to fall asleep. The second sign is the itchy sheet tucked up under my chin.
I slowly blink my eyes open, scanning the room. I’m met with white on white on—oh. I’m not alone. There’s a dark-haired man slouched in the chair beside of my bed. From the items that fill the room I know I’m in the hospital…but why?
As the shock of my situation sinks in, so do the aches and pains of my body. A sharp pain slices across my head, and I groan in agony. The abrupt noise wakes the man beside me.
Intense blue orbs blink at me with warmth. I swear my heart stutters to a stop for a full second before it starts again, more rapid than ever. Shivers of awareness cascade down my spine and across every limb.
“Am I dead?”
The smile I receive is almost my undoing. I didn’t mean to say that out loud, but there’s no way Carter is sitting beside my bed, looking all kinds of handsome even in the unflattering bright light.
Death is the only answer for why he’s giving me that soft, placating smile. My mouth opens in shock when he stands, coming closer to the bed and taking my hand.
“No, pumpkin. You’re not dead.”
Pumpkin? What the hell kind of nickname is that? When did he start calling me that? I seriously hate that I kinda like it.
My eyes have to be bugging out of my head at the first gentle touch of his hand. Looking from where he’s touching be back up to his face, I wait for him to laugh or tease me. Something to indicate this is some sick elaborate joke. But his eyes remain kind and concerned.
I’m also trying to ignore the fact that his hand feels so right in mine. Our fingers intertwined perfectly, no awkwardness. Pulling my gaze from his, I scan the room again. There’s something prickling at the back of my mind.
“Did it finally happen?” I ask, my voice sounding small and scratchy.
“Did what happen, Pen?”
“Did you finally try and kill me so you could take second place to Noah?”
He groans, covering his eyes with his free hand. “You have got to be kidding me.” Dropping my hand, he sits back down. “No, I did not try to kill you, weirdo.”
“I don’t know.” I shrug and instantly regret it as pain zips across my shoulder blades. “Woman dies on ice rink feet away from Canadian hockey superstaris a pretty suspicious headline.”
“I can’t even catch a break from the sass when you’re in the hospital. What’s a guy gotta do?”
A giggle builds in my throat, about to burst out when there’s a knock. A man in a white coat walks in, not waiting for permission.