Page 45 of Ink Me Bunny
“Born… to be wild,” Kan squawks.
My incredulous eyes stare in disbelief as I slant my gaze at him.
Is he a mind reader?
Luka claps his hands, “You got that right, Kan.” He chuckles, “That’s his favorite song. You should see him banging his head when he listens to it, it’s hilarious.”
Putting the helmet and gloves on, I hop on the bike. “It was lovely meeting you, Kan.”
He swings happily again, “Born to be wild.”
Aren’t we all?
The skyscrapers roll past me as I speed on the highway and race against the wind.
“Are you going to tell me what’s been bothering you? It’s written all over your face.” Luka’s voice comes out of the helmet’s speaker.
I clear my voice, taking a long breath, “A woman.”
“So you and Ronnie are in the same boat.” He tsks. “He’s right behind us.”
A biker revs behind me, “I’m drowning that boat deep in the ocean,” Ronnie enters the chat.
“Ronnie, good to see you,” I state.
“You too, Daddy.”
What is it with this nickname? Is it written on my forehead or something?
His cheerful voice stays intact, “I saw two lunatics flying on the road, and I knew it was you two. What’s the story?”
I tried to dissect our situation to shreds by myself and I always go back to thinking she deserves someone younger, less damaged. “We talked on the phone for eight months before she started working in my shop.”
“Deep conversations or superficial ones?” Ronnie questions.
“It was intimate at times, work-related in others. She revealed her struggles to me and showed me her vulnerability when she first showed up.” I swallow my words carefully.
Have I been so fucking blind that I only now notice how she laid her heart on the table for me and I gave her nothing in return? I chose the getaway over getting to know her after I pined for her for months.
“What are you afraid of?”
“Failing again, getting hurt, giving it my all and it won’t be enough.” The words fly past my lips.
“That’s part of opening yourself up,” Luka intervenes, “If you don’t show your truest intentions, the person in front of you thinks you don’t care enough to try.”
We smoothly take a sharp turn on the road, and the wind blows on my hoodie, chilling my system.
He adds, “You got to decide, then tell her what you want and act like it. Or vice versa.”
Did I complicate such a simple thing because I thought I knew better?
“True,” Ronnie remarks, “In my case, she was the one who showed her disinterest. I had nothing to work with since she made up her mind. And frankly, I’m glad she’s out of my life although it is still hard to process and it’ll take me time to get back out there, I know I was always transparent about my feelings.”
“Sounds to me like she’s interested if she came to work with you.”
I’m quick to dismiss, “She came for the job.”
“How do you know?” Luka’s interrogating tone demands, “Did you ask? Maybe she came for the job and you.”