Page 82 of Ink Me Bunny
I toss my shirt on the ground, grab my board, and sprint to catch up with her.
We paddle on our surfboards, I know I’m supposed to focus on the waves the ocean builds on the horizon but I can’t stop looking at Lenny.
The way she glows when she’s here is the best view in the entire world.
A phenomenal portrait.
The water caresses my legs as I change position and drape my legs to each side of the board.
She turns to look at me, “What are you doing?”
“I think I’m gonna watch today.”
“Absolutely not, you’re coming with me because this wave is ours.” She grins from ear to ear. “Or I’m going back to snuggle with Scar, your choice.”
Ugh. She’s always bringing up, Scar.
I gesture dramatically with my hand. “After you, lead the way.”
Those boxes I unpack and pack again belong to the past. Finally, I can wave them goodbye and open new boxes for new memories.
The small narrowed hallway of the house I grew up in separated between Tessa’s world and mine. That insignificant thing is becoming an analogy for me and my past. Me and my demons. Me and my battles. Me and my closure.
I chose to stay away from that world whereas she chose to drown in.
The world is here for the taking. Life is not a fair game and the more you study it, the less you understand it. Our past never defines us or others, only we define ourselves.
Sometimes it’s hard to let go of someone you lost who holds a special place in your heart but remembering them in all their beautiful moments and the precious memories they left behind will never truly be gone.
When people are gone the only things we can do for them is to keep their stories alive and love them.
Jamey, my father, we carry them with us no matter where we go or what we do.
They gave us a greater gift, one that ultimately brought us together and that is they were the people who guided us to be who we are today without knowing.
With loss comes a lot of love, reflection, anger, self-exploration, and the will to go out there and live.
When I went to find my father’s family, I found myself. I built my tiny empire. I created the chance to meet Lenny.
When Lenny went after her brother’s footsteps, she found herself. She found me. She created her future.
Without them, who knows if we would’ve met?
I don’t know what the future holds but I hope Lenny and I can embark on a new journey together and see where it takes us.
The wave forces its way toward us, we paddle and quickly stand on the board as we catch it and ride it down.
One move is designed of many variables that connect copious dots into one outcome.
More waves ripple in the distance, but right now, all I do is tackle Lenny by jumping from my board, “Duck!”
“What?” She screams, “Dean!”
Catching her in my arms, I throw us both into the waters.
She spits the water she collected in her mouth on my face like a cannonball, my eyes clenched shut until she’s done and her laugh engulfs me and warms every beat of my heart.
“You are very cheeky lately.” She fixes her bikini.