Page 10 of Corrupted Union
Francesca Moretti is a pretty little thing. I can’t stop thinking about her pretty face as sit down in my brand-new therapist’s office. Today is a special occasion. The therapist before me is Dr. Elizabeth Shay. In her fifties, she has a golden bob and a pearl necklace. She reminds me more of a country club trophy wife than a therapist. I chose her for a reason.
“Hello, Leo.” She takes a seat across from me, her Prada heels crossed at her ankles. Her office smells faintly like vanilla. Must be used to calm the crazies who come in here. The thing is, I’m not crazy. I have a purpose. “Since today is our first session together, I thought you could tell me why you wanted to see me. What are you hoping to get out of therapy?”
“I need help. I’m struggling, you see, because I’m in need of a good woman.”
Dr. Shay nods, keeping her expression neutral. “And what makes you feel like you need a good woman in your life?”
“I’m a bit of a womanizer.” I wink at her. “Like your shoes by the way. And your hair. It reminds me of a sunset.” She looks flattered, but I can tell she tries not to show it. “And I just feel like it’s time for me to settle down, you know?”
“Why? What has prompted this change?”
“Because I’m not a good man.”
She shifts in her seat, tapping her pen on her notepad. “How are you not a good man?”
“I like to fuck women and leave them. Call that what you will, but I’m thinking that’s not exactly healthy. But man, I love fucking women.” I stretch my arms overhead, giving Dr. Shay a good look at my midriff. I can tell she notices by how she shifts in her seat again. “I love hearing them moan when I fuck them with my mouth. The way they squeal when I thrust my cock into them. It’s my favorite thing to do, Doctor.”
She clears her throat while hiding her mouth under her hand. “Sex isn’t a negative thing, Leo. It can be healthy. What makes you think you have an unhealthy sex life? Why does that make you not a good man?”
“Because, Elizabeth.” I pause. “I can call you Elizabeth, can’t I?”
“If you want.”
“Great.” I take out a box of breath mints from my pocket and pop one into my mouth. “Because I have a bad habit of leaving them in my wake. You know, I give them a great night of sex, then never call them back. I think that kind of makes me an asshole.”
“Are you clear with these women about your intentions?”
“I mean, I don’t promise them the world or anything.” Actually, that’s a lie, but the good doctor doesn’t need to know about that. Just yet anyway.
“Then if you’re clear about your intentions, having a sex life isn’t a bad thing. Are you looking to settle down?”
“Maybe. Are you, Elizabeth?”
“Am I what?”
“Looking to settle down?”
“Oh.” She points at a ring on her finger. “I’m married. I am settled down.”
I lean forward, eyeing her over. “Ever think about having an affair with one of your clients?”
She’s silent for a moment as she rubs a hand over her neck. “That’s an inappropriate question, Leo. We’re here to talk about you. Not talk about me.”
“But still. Have you? Because you’re sexy, doc. I’d fuck you.”
A strangled noise escapes her. “That’s enough about that now. Let’s get back to you. Why haven’t you settled down if that’s what you’re looking for?”
I shrug. “Just haven’t found the right woman yet. Could you be that woman, doc?”
“If you’re going to keep making inappropriate comments, Leo, I’m afraid we’ll have to cut this session short. Can we focus on you now?”
“You see, I was just thinking …” I stand up and walk over to the bookshelf against the wall. “I’ve never fucked a woman in her fifties before. Women in their twenties? Easy. Thirties? Honestly, easier. Forties? Those women like to give me a hard time, but they eventually give in. But I’ve never fucked a woman older than that.” I turn to her. “Care to fix that problem for me?”
She stands up and rights her shirt, looking flustered. “I think you should leave now.”
“Fine.” I stalk over to her. “But first, give me a kiss.”