Page 18 of Corrupted Union
I frown. “Well, goodnight.” I take one step toward the door when he gets in my way. Ok, so I guess it is deliberate.
“Just one question, and then I’ll go. Ok?”
“What is it?”
“Now, you have to be honest, all right?”
I stifle a sigh. “Ok. I’ll be honest.”
“Do you find me handsome?”
My mouth practically drops open. I didn’t expect that sort of question. “What?” I squeak.
“Do you find me handsome?”
I thought he looked like a Greek sculpture the first time I saw him, so I’d say yes, I find him very handsome. But how can I tell him that? But I promised to be honest.
My cheeks burn as I look away from him. “Uh, I mean …”
“It’s ok. You can tell me. I won’t tell anyone else what your answer is.” I still don’t respond. “Will it help if I tell you what I think? I think you’re beautiful. Honestly. I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I just needed you to know that.”
He truly thinks I’m beautiful? No man has told me that before. I mean, I’m normally alone with a book, so there haven’t been any opportunities for someone to tell me that.Ifanyone has ever thought of me that way before, that is. I know how easy it is to get lost in the shadows of Emilia and Gemma. Both my older sisters are stunning as well as outgoing. My shyness makes me invisible most of the time.
And yet, Leo sees me.
Why does he see me?
“Why do you like me?” I ask before I can stop myself.
“Well, as I said, you’re beautiful.” He stands there, looking so confident and at ease with his statement. But it feels wrong to me.
Sure, I’m flattered to be told by a man as handsome as Leo that I’m beautiful. But it feels so artificial the more I think about it. I love to engage my mind. I want Leo to see that part of me and find it beautiful.
The kicker is, for him to see that part of me, I have to actually talk to him and not run away and hide. And that’s incredibly hard for me.
“Leo, thank you,” I finally say, “for the compliment.” A smug grin spreads across his face. “But I want you to leave me alone.” His smile turns to a confused frown in a matter of seconds.
“Wait. What?”
I push past him back into the house.
“Why?” he asks. It looks like Leo’s never been rejected in his life before. It’s honestly kind of empowering to be the one to do it.
“Because I’m more than how I look.”
“Then let me get to know you.”
I hesitate. Dang it. I should have just walked away.
Leo leans in through the doorway, desperation in his eyes. “I want to get to know you, Francesca. Let me.”
“Why? And don’t say because I’m beautiful.” I don’t know where my voice is coming from. I think there’s just something about Leo that makes me feel braver than I normally am.
“Why not? Most women love to be told they’re beautiful.”
“Do they really? Or do you just not go past the surface level? I’m not interested in talking about looks, ok? If you want to talk to me, then make it more than that.”
Leo looks so surprised I almost want to laugh.