Page 22 of Corrupted Union
I also have one other surprise I know is a risk, but Henry’s reminder last night was a kick in the butt. I need to get things moving faster.
Hannah looks even more annoyed with me when she answers the door and somehow even more annoyed when I ask for Francesca again.
But just like yesterday, Francesca meets me, just her—no overbearing sister present.
“Ta-da!” I present her with the lilies, and Francesca looks so touched I almost feel bad about what I’m doing with her. Almost.
“Lilies. Thank you.” She takes them instantly and inhales them deeply. “This means a lot.”
“And these.” I give her the fancy chocolates. “Have no clue if they’re any good, but I figured, chocolate is chocolate, right?” I keep the other box behind my back.
She smiles as she takes the gift. “I don’t understand why you’re going to all these lengths to give me things.”
“Maybe it’s because I like you.”
“You don’t even know me.”
Feeling bold, I step inside the house, standing so close to Francesca I can feel the heat coming off her. “I know you like lilies because they’re special to you. I know you’re shy.” She blushes. “And that you’re hard to read. Which, honestly, is tough for me.”
“How so?”
“Because I’m used to reading people, but you’re not exactly an open book, Francesca. And I also know I like how your name sounds on my tongue. It just rolls right off. Francesca.”
She tightly grips the chocolates to her chest and focuses on the bouquet of lilies. “I don’t know anything about you.”
“You know I’m persistent.”
She huffs. “I guess.”
“Fine.” I step back. “Ask me anything you want to know.”
She’s quiet for a moment before asking, “What’s your favorite hobby?”
“Scaring people.” I wiggle my fingers at her and make a ghostly noise. Francesca can’t hide her smile.
“No, really.”
“I guess I’d say …” Seducing women and then leaving them in the dust. Shit. Well, I can’t tell her that. So, I go to the next true thing. “I like to hike. There’s a lot of good hiking spots right outside the city. It’s a nice way to clear the head and stay in shape.”
“That sounds nice. I really love museums. I haven’t had the chance to go to any yet here, but I can’t wait. My personal favorites are anything to do with art.”
“Isn’t that what most museums are about?”
“You’d be amazed at how many different museums there are. You can find almost any topic in any kind of museum.”
“Why does the fact that you love museums not surprise me?”
She flushes again, ducking her head into the lilies. “Some people think it’s boring, but museums are my favorite thing on this planet.”
“Your interests aren’t boring, Francesca.”
She jerks her head up. “Really?”
“Who told you they were?” I reach out and trace my finger over the back of her hand. She pulls away, and I drop my hand.
“Most people don’t care. I’ve just grown to accept it.”
I give her my most piercing look. “I care.”