Page 44 of Corrupted Union
Antonio nods at me as he brushes past me, heading upstairs. We don’t often talk, so I appreciate the nod. It’s more than usual.
“Getting married already,” Gemma says as she comes over. “Wow. That was fast. Emilia is a good match-maker, huh?” She leans in close to me. “Maybe even better than Mom.”
That makes me smile. “It’s … complicated.”
“Uh-oh. That doesn’t sound good. Tell me all the juicy gossip.”
I look over at Mom and Franco, who are talking with Viktor and Marco. Gemma follows my gaze and nods, taking my arm with hers. “Let’s chat somewhere else.” We head into the dining room where it’s blissfully quiet. I didn’t realize how loud my family could be now that I’ve been away from them for a week.
“So, tell me everything.” Gemma settles into one of the chairs. I remain standing.
“What’s there to tell? I’m getting married.”
“Yeah. To Leo, Marco’s second. I’m amazed Marco—no, I’m amazedEmilia—allowed that. She’s told me before how much she hates the guy.”
“It’s a smart move, though. It helps cement the power between our family and Marco even more.”
Gemma grunts. “Yeah, it is smart. I’m still shocked it happened.”
I duck my head, unable to stop the burning in my cheeks. “Leo and I … kissed,” I whisper.
“Shut the fuck up,” she says, swatting my arm. “You? Little Miss Prude herself.”
I shoot her a look. “Don’t be mean,”
She raises her hands in surrender “I’m just teasing. I just didn’t think you had it in you. How did that even happen?”
“He … came into my room, and we … kissed.”
Gemma practically falls off her chair, laughing so hard. “Oh my god. This is amazing! I’ve been cooped up with Viktor too long. I’m missing all the drama.”
“I’m glad I can amuse you.”
“Oh, I’m just messing with you, Fran.” She stands up and pulls me into a hug, surprising me. Gemma wasn’t always touchy-feely. I guess married life really has changed her. I wonder how much it will change me? “But, seriously,” she says, pulling back. “Leo? That man is a womanizer. He couldn’t even keep his paws off you. And I’m sure Emilia and Marco made it clear to him you’re off limits.”
I shrug. “Not anymore, I guess.”
Gemma squints at me. “Are you happy, Fran? Is this something you want? Because I know what it’s like to not want to be married. Emilia, for how amazing she is, can never understand that. She always accepted and knew she’d be married one day.”
I want to tell Gemma I’m not ok. That I’m marrying a man because he was forced into it to protect me. That I don’t really trust him. That I don’t even trust myself. I still haven’t told any of my siblings about what I saw happen between Mom and Franco. I’ve been too scared. I’m still just a coward.
“I’m fine,” I tell her instead. “I just want to get tomorrow over with.”
“Stealing my wife, are you?” Viktor asks as he strolls into the room. He throws his arm around Gemma’s shoulders, and she leans into him with ease. No awkwardness at all. I wonder what that feels like. “Hey, Francesca.”
“I’m gonna take Gemma away now.” He checks his watch. “It’s been a few hours since we last fuc—” He grunts as Gemma elbows him in the side.
“What my husband is trying to say is that the flight was long, and we’re tired. We’re gonna go to our room.” They share a secretive smile as they walk away.
As I return to the foyer, I brace myself to see my mom and Franco. But when I reenter, it’s only Franco. My mom must have gone to find a room, and Marco is probably with Emilia.
“I’m proud of you,” he says to me, looking up from his phone. “Finding a man to marry right away. I didn’t know you had it in you. I thought you were going to be single forever, and that’s just never a good look for a woman.”
In Franco’s presence, I always go speechless. Today is no exception.
“Cat got your tongue?” He smirks. “It’ll be good to have you out of the house. One less mouth to feed. It’s your husband’s job now. Make sure he’s taken care of. That’s what a good wife does.” With a nod, he leaves me standing there as he heads upstairs.