Page 54 of Corrupted Union
He stares at me with a slight smile on his lips. I look at him, then look away before looking back to see him still staring at me.
“What?” I ask.
“You don’t want to hear it, but you really are unlike any woman I’ve ever met.”
“How so?”
He traces his fingertips along my arm, sending goosebumps along my skin. I’m so distracted by it that it’s almost hard to pay attention to what he says. “All the women I’ve met before were quick to want to sleep with me.” I frown. I don’t really want to imagine Leo with other women. “But you … you’ve made me work for your affection. I’m not used to it.”
“How do you know those women were so different from me? They might have just gotten caught up in your charms.”I know I am, and I’m trying not to. “Did you ever have conversations with them?”
Leo pauses before saying, “Uh, not really.” He has the decency to look sheepish.
“See? There you go. If you had, you probably wouldn’t be saying I’m so different.” I look at him more closely. “Do you respect women, Leo?”
Something flashes behind his eyes. “Of course.”
He sighs deeply and looks away from me. “I’m trying to. I respected your decision tonight.”
“You did. And I’m appreciative of that. But you don’t exactly get brownie points for not forcing me to have sex with you.”
“Not even one?”
Despite my efforts, I smile at his charming expression. “No. Not even one. If you want me to trust you, you need to show me you can respect meandother women.”
“But,” he says, leaning in close to me and making me breathless, “you’re my wife. You’re the only woman I care about now.”
I gulp and pull my eyes away from his lips. “And that’s the problem. Emilia told me you’re not good with women. The only reason we’re married is because you were forced into it. You can’t just respect me. It has to be all women. Only then can I see our marriage working.”
“You really know how to test a man.” He huffs, rubbing a hand over his face. “Ok, fine. I’ll try to be better. Deal?” He holds out his hand to me.
“Don’t try. Do it. Deal?” I hold my hand out. I can’t believe how bold I’m being with Leo, but it feels right. For some reason, around him, I don’t feel as shy as I normally am.
What I like is that Leo doesn’t immediately grab my hand. He thinks about what I just said before reaching out and clasping it.
* * *
We spendthe next few hours talking and laughing together, sharing more embarrassing childhood stories. I end up falling asleep in my wedding dress.
Waking up next to Leo is a surreal experience. This handsome, charming, slightly dangerous man is my husband. I’ve made my family proud and grown their influence with this union. I’ve also found someone I enjoy talking to, and that means the most to me.
Leo jerks awake, startling me. He looks wildly around like he doesn’t know where he is before settling his eyes on me and relaxing. “Oh.”
“Are you ok?” I ask, gently touching his arm.
“Sorry.” He rubs a hand over his face and into his hair, making it messy. “I just … forgot where I was for a moment.”
“Bad dream?”
“More like a nightmare.”
I want to ask him about it, but he looks so unsettled that I don’t. “It’s morning,” I say instead.
He turns to the window, where a shaft of light is coming in. “Uh. Look at that.” He clears his throat and stands up. “I should change before we leave for the day. This suit is rubbing me in places in I don’t really want rubbed.” He flashes me that charming smile before dashing into the bathroom. That was weird. I’ve never seen Leo look anything other than confident. I wonder what kind of nightmare he had.