Page 72 of Corrupted Union
Leo traces his fingertips down my back, drawing goosebumps to the surface of my skin. “I’ve never really thought about art that way before. I’m not much of an expert on it.”
“I don’t think someone needs to be an expert. I know I’m not. I just like to study it. That painting is probably the one thing I miss the most about New York.”
“We’ll have to visit, so you can see it again.”
I smile up at him as he smiles back. “I’d love that.” Things have become a lot easier with Leo now that we’ve had sex. It’s like that barrier between us has been broken. For the first time, I can see myself falling in love with Leo. I know my heart flutters when I think about him.
“But is that all you miss about New York? The painting? What about your family?”
I snuggle into his side, resting my head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat. “I never had strong relationships with any of my family. I was closest to Emilia, and I have her here in LA. I’m not really homesick for them.”
“I remember you telling me you think your mom blames you for the death of your dad. What’s that about?”
I sigh. “She has a tendency to forget about me. We’ve never really been that close, so it’s not surprising she was mad at me after my dad.” A lump forms in my throat at the memory of him driving us to Coney Island. “My dad and I spent the day together, but my mom thought it was too strenuous for him. He died later that night.” I turn my head away from Leo, fighting back the tears.
“Hey.” He rubs my arm. His warm voice provides me with comfort and makes my heart flutter even more. “That doesn’t sound like your fault. He was sick?”
“He was. For a while. But he still managed to be there for us. For me.” I smile sadly. “He was always there for me in a way no one else was. He … understood me. He didn’t think I was weird for being shy. He didn’t … ignore me.”
“Like your mom does.”
“Like my mom does.”
Leo pulls me in closer to him, wrapping his arms around me. “That sucks. I’m sorry. It’s not fun to have a parent be mean to you.”
I lift my head to gaze down at him. “You mentioned before that your dad was abusive.” I trace patterns with my finger onto his chest.
Leo huffs. “He was. He beat my mom. He was such a bastard. I haven’t seen him in years. Well, since I was seventeen.”
“It’s good you got out. My mom …” I bite my lip. “My mom is being abused by my uncle. Emilia told me. I feel horrible I never saw it. I don’t even know how to help because I don’t even know how to talk to her.”
“My mom never asked for help.” Leo rolls onto his side so we’re face to face. “She put up with the abuse my entire life. It killed her.”
I gasp, covering my mouth with my hand. “She died?”
“My dad killed her,” he says. “I saw it happen.” His gaze darkens. “The sad part is, she did ask for help, actually. Only once when I was … fuck. I can’t even remember. But by then, I was numb to the abuse between my parents, and when she asked for my help … I turned away from her.” I can tell by Leo’s face that it haunts him. It’s probably haunted him for quite some time.
“You were just a kid. That wasn’t your fault.”
“So were you. How old were you exactly when your dad died?”
“Fourteen,” I reply.
“Shit.” He rubs a hand over his face. “You were fourteen when we first met. I feel a little sick at the thought.”
“Hey, it was just for Emilia’s wedding, and we didn’t even speak. You never really knew me until now.”
“And now you’re an adult. Thank god; otherwise, I’d feel like a pervert.”
I laugh as I gently swat at his chest. “You’re not a pervert. You’re actually … a good man, Leo.”
More darkness crosses his vision. I want to ask him about it, but he answers before I can. “I’m not a good man. I’ve done some bad shit to women.”
“Like what exactly? No one has ever told me what why you have your reputation when it came to women. I just assumed you’d slept with them.” I blush at the thought.
“I … didn’t just sleep with them,” he says. “I … hurt them in other ways.”
“Like what?” I whisper, not liking where this is going.