Page 86 of Corrupted Union
And Mom just holds me, giving me all her attention. It means the world.
After a while, I pull back, wiping my eyes. “I do miss him,” I admit. “I left without really talking to him. I didn’t give him the chance to explain.”
“Go back to him and do just that. Give him that chance. I know what it’s like to have complicated feelings for your own husband. And the one thing I learned is that you never give up on each other.”
“I’ll try.”
“There you are.” The doctor who took Antonio into surgery approaches me. “Your brother is out of surgery if you want to see him now.”
Mom gasps and immediately stands. She looks between the doctor and me, silently asking for permission to go. I nod. “Antonio needs you. I’m going to head home.”
Home. I want it to be at Leo’s side.
Mom hurries down the hallway with the doctor, not looking back. And for once, I’m not mad that she’s ignoring me.
Now, I understand.
* * *
I callMarco to ask if I can take his private plane back to LA, and he says yes. He’s already on his way to New York to be with Emilia, so I won’t see him once I get there.
The plane ride is even more quiet than it was on the way over. And without Emilia, it’s slightly somber. Things are looking up, though. Emilia had her baby. Antonio is alive, even though I know he’s giving Mom news she doesn’t want to hear.
Once I get back to Leo’s house, I burst through the doors, ready to tell him I want to talk. I want to hear him speak his truth. Why he made that bet and why he decided to end it.
I just need to know the man I married isn’t a complete monster.
But Leo isn’t here.
I search the entire house. It’s empty. My anxiety picks up as I dial Marco, asking him if he knows where Leo could be.
“I forgot to tell you,” he says. “I was so busy trying to get to Emilia.”
“That’s ok. Where is he?”
He sighs deeply, making the hair on the back of my neck rise up. “He’s in the hospital, Francesca.”
The moment Francesca leaves with Emilia for LA, I lunge at Henry in the foyer. “You did this!” I shout. I manage to grab his shirt when Marco steps between us and pushes me back, standing between Henry and me.
Henry swipes a hand over his face. “I didn’t do anything you didn’t do yourself. You’re the one who made this bet, and then you married the girl. You can’t blame me for this.”
“Oh, yes, I can.” I roll up my sleeves. “Marco, get out of the way. This is between Henry and me.”
“No. I will not.” Marco’s commanding voice makes me stop. “I won’t have my second in command fight another one of my employees. It’s clear you’re both at fault. You both made the bet.”
“I’m not the one who tried seducing Francesca,” Henry states.
Marco slowly turns to him, giving him a cold look that would make anyone shiver. “You really want to argue semantics right now?”
Henry shrinks back. “Uh, I guess not.”
“Good. Now, leave Henry. I’ll deal with you later.” Henry scurries out of the house before I get the chance to take another crack at him.
“Damnit, Marco,” I growl. “You should have let me at him.”