Page 28 of Fallen Legacy
We all follow his line of sight and see that tall, cocky Beaumont player who caused my brother’s red card.
“That’s him alright,” Kit snarls as he watches the guy swagger into the car park, laughing and joking with his teammates.
“Take Scar home, Vee,” Archer orders. He’s suddenly no longer interested in being up in my space at every opportunity.
“What are you going to do?” I ask him, knowing he’s up to something.
“Just do as you’re told for once, Scar. Go with Vee and Kit and I’ll see you at school tomorrow.”
A part of me wants to tell him I’m not his to order about, but I know him well enough now to know he’ll just throw me over his shoulder and chuck me in Vee’s car if I don’t do as he asks. Scowling at him, I turn on my heels and stomp over to Vee’s car. Yes, I know I’m being dramatic, but he somehow knows how to push all my buttons. Vee unlocks the car and we all pile in. As we exit the car park, it’s just in time to see Archer, Seb and Rafe circle around said player.
“What will they do to him?” I ask Vee as I look behind as we pull away.
“They’ll make sure he knows he doesn’t get to talk shit about one of our own without paying the consequences. Like it or not, Eliza, you are one of us and we protect our own.”
I don’t argue with her. She is wrong, but I don't have the energy to protest. I’ll never truly be one of them. I’ll always be an outsider.
I’m lounging on my bed; it’s a Tuesday evening and I’m binge-watching my favourite Netflix show with Damon. We’re both half-watching the television and half scrolling on our phones. Damon sits up and nudges me, fixated on his phone.
“Look at this,” he says, and I lean over to look at his phone screen, curious what has him so focused. It’s an online news article by the local gazette paper. The headline reads ‘Promising local footballers’ career in tatters after a terrible accident.’ My eyes widen when I see the photo of the player. It’s the guy who got Kit sent off. The guy that when I left the car park that night after the match, Archer had insisted they would deal with him. I immediately bring up his number and hit call. He answers on the second ring.
“Scar,” he greets. “Everything okay?”
“Did you do it?” I ask him. I don’t know why I’m asking him when deep-down I already know the answer.
“Do what?”
“The player who got Kit sent off. Did you purposefully drive over his foot and cause him an injury that may mean he’ll never play professionally again?”
There’s a silence from the other end of the line for a second. “No one talks about you that way and gets away with it, Scar. He’s lucky I only broke his foot and left his pretty face untouched.”
“He’ll have you prosecuted,” I exclaim. What was he thinking?
This brings a loud laugh from him. “You think he’s going to tattle and tell anyone how it really happened? You seriously think that if my brothers and I tell him he keeps his mouth shut that he’d do anything but what he’s told. Haven’t you learned yet, Scar? We make the rules around here and everyone obeys them.”
I roll my eyes at his cocky confidence. “You didn’t need to do that for me.”
“Yes, I did. No one disrespects you like that. I told you, Scar, I protect what is mine, and you’re mine.”
“How many times are we going to have this conversation, you big buffoon? I am not yours.” I end the call and throw my phone down beside me. I look Damon’s way when I notice he’s unusually quiet, and he’s looking at me with a grin on his face.
“Did you really just call him a buffoon?”
I break out into a grin and we both start laughing. My phone rings again and I groan expecting it to be Archer, but it’s a number I don’t recognise. Intrigued, I answer it.
“Eliza Alderman. The Elders have requested your attendance at a meeting this evening. Please come to the lodge at nine and come alone.”
“Wait, I…”
The line goes dead, and I swear in frustration at my phone. “Fucking Elders.”
“Fuck them. Don’t go,” Damon says, handing me the bowl of popcorn.
I snicker. “If there is one thing Archer made clear. You come when summoned. I can’t ignore them; the consequences aren’t worth it.”