Page 63 of Fallen Legacy
I press my lips against his, silencing him. I wrap my arms around his neck and press my chest flush to his. He grips the back of my head and kisses me like I’m the air he needs to breathe. The kiss becomes heated, and it’s not long before I’m lifting my hips and sinking myself down on him. I rock my hips slowly and we’re silent as we kiss and touch each other. I know in this moment that despite everything that’s happened, I’m totally and utterly in love with Archer Savage, but the words stick in my throat, stopping me from saying them out loud.
“Let go, Scar,” he whispers as he cups my face in his hands. “Give me everything.”
I come seconds later, crying out his name and clutching him tightly and shortly after he moans, his release spilling inside of me.
“Thank you,” I tell him. “Thank you for giving me this.”
He pushes a stray hair behind my ear. “I told you, Scar. I’d do whatever it takes to prove that you’re my priority now.”
Call me a fool if you wish, but I believe him.
* * *
“You did what?”Wilbur shouts, standing up and glowering at us from across the dining table.
“Sit down, Wilbur,” Archer says dryly, gesturing to his empty seat. “The proposal’s done. The ring’s already on her finger.”
“We had everything set up, you knew this,” he seethes as he sits back down and takes a large drink of his wine.
“Yes, well, I decided I didn’t want to do it with an audience. Besides, you’ve all got what you wanted. We’re engaged. She’s wearing my ring.” Archer squeezes my thigh gently under the table.
“You’ve ruined the whole PR opportunity,” Wilbur protests. “Don’t you have anything to say?” he barks out at Edward, who has remained quiet this whole time.
Edwards shrugs his shoulders. “It’s done now. Let them be, Wilbur.”
I sigh, putting my napkin down. “We’re engaged. What more do you want, Wilbur? We’re playing the dutiful grandchildren and cementing the Aces legacy. I’ll spread my legs and pop out an heir, and everyone will get what they want.”
“Let’s toast,” Alexis says, clearing her throat, she gets to her feet, holding up her glass. “To Eliza and Archer and the future of the founding families.”
“Sit down, woman,” Wilbur grumbles as he stands. “I’ll propose a toast. To the continuation of our legacy. The four families, the society, and our duty to one another.”
“To us,” I say, refusing to toast to his words. I allow myself a small sip of the champagne.
“It can work in our favour,” Alexis tells Wilbur. “The press will drink up the romantic proposal and how he whisked her away somewhere remote to do it.”
“True,” he bristles, looking over at Archer and me with a frown.
“Okay, girl! Show me the ring,” Vee gushes from across the table, holding out her hand.
Smiling, I stretch out my arm and she takes my hand and examines the rock on my finger. “Wow. Wait a minute, that’s the ring from the jewellers in London.” She looks up from the ring with a wide grin on her face. “Well done, Arch. Who knew you could be smooth and romantic under that harsh exterior?”
Archer smirks. “Everything I do is perfect, Vee. You should know that by now.”
Vee looks at Rafe, who is sitting next to her at the dinner table. “I hope you know what precedence he’s set now. Think you can best that?”
Rafe scoffs as he sips his drink. “Baby, I’ll knock that proposal to the dust when it’s our turn.” He winks at her and leans in, whispering something in her ear that has her giving him her full attention.
“Let’s all take our drinks through to the conservatory,” Alexis suggests, and everyone files out through the house. “Eliza,” she calls after me and I hang back to see what she wants.
“May I see the ring?” She holds out her hand and I nod my head, slipping my hand into hers. “It’s stunning. I’m glad you came to your senses and played along. I’m sure having Archer for a husband won’t be that much of a chore for you.”
I fight the snicker I’m about to give her and smile. “Well, it wasn’t like I had much choice, was it?”
She smiles tightly back at me, dropping my hand. “Well, plan B was already in place in case you didn’t come to heel.”
“What does that mean? What plan B?” I ask her, an icy shiver running down my spine.
She shrugs, casually. “Let’s just say I swapped out your contraceptive pill as a safety measure. You might want to get a pregnancy test and check out it’s not too late.”