Page 96 of Fallen Legacy
“I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s who they end up facing in the final,” Archer adds in.
“Then it will be a good final to watch,” Damon comments, rubbing his hands together in anticipation.
Damon arriving here with us caused a lot of commotion. The accident changed many things. Perhaps the best change is Archer and Damon agreeing to bury the hatchet and attempt friendship. Both of them mean the world to me, so to spend time with the two of them together is amazing. I wouldn’t say they were friends yet, but they are heading that way.
The first match starts. It’s Tate and Botham against two players from a neighbouring village. The two boys wipe the floor with their opponents. I think Archer is correct in his prediction that these two will end up in the final. I spot Georgie over the other side of the court with Callum and two of her friends. She catches my gaze, and she gives me an awkward but not unfriendly smile. Things still felt weird. We were all still very much processing the fact that she is Archer’s half-sister. The Elders have kept the news about their shared parentage out of the media. We all knew that eventually when, or if, things went to court, everyone and the world would know. Archer couldn’t tolerate being around her much. I think he’s really struggling with the fact that they had slept together once. It was something he felt terrible about, even though it wasn’t either his or Georgie’s fault. They were both victims of Phillip and Felicity’s crazed plans as much as I was. I hope that over time they will find some semblance of a sibling relationship.
Vee pats my arm excitedly. “The boys are up next!” She gestures with her head to where Rafe and Seb are standing on the side-lines by the entrance to the changing rooms waiting to come on to the court. Seb looks our way and I grin at him and give him the thumbs up. Seb’s reply is to blow on his knuckles and smirk, as if to say this will be a walk in the park.
At the interval our boys are in the lead and their skill at the game is far superior to those of their opponents.
“I’m going to nip to the ladies quickly before the next set starts,” I tell them. Kit grabs my hand when I stand.
“Make sure Tony goes with you.”
I look down at him, and smiling, I squeeze his shoulder. “I will, I promise.” Since the accident, Kit has become quite protective of me.
He’s been extra anxious about my safety since the car accident and the revelation that Archer’s dad and his lover are my stalkers. I know seeing me in a hospital bed unconscious and injured must have brought back terrible memories for him of the night we lost our parents.
I head towards the entrance of the clubhouse. Tony is stationed by the door, constantly surveying the area for any threats. “I’m heading to the bathroom,” I tell him.
“I’ll follow you in, miss, and wait for you outside.”
Nodding my head, I head inside, with Tony following behind me. A few months ago, I would have moaned my head off about having someone tailing me all the time, but not anymore. Felicity is still out there somewhere. Whilst I don’t doubt that Phillip was the brains behind most of the plans to take me out, we don’t know what she is capable of. Or how desperate she might be now that their plans have turned to dust.
I empty my bladder and, lost in my own thoughts, I exit the cubicle. I’m not alone. A bedraggled and crazed looking Felicity stands before me. Her eyes are glazed over, like she is somewhere else. This isn’t the elegant, put together woman I met at the ball months ago.
“I didn’t know,” she mumbles, chewing on her fingernails and shuffling from one foot to the other. “I didn’t know about the baby. If I’d have known…”
I try to keep a calm demeanour, even though inside my heart is beating out of my chest with anxiety. “I could have died. My friend almost died, and he still has a long road to recovery.”
Felicity sobs and pulls on her hair as she stares wide-eyed at me. It’s the stare of someone who is unbalanced and clearly mentally unwell.
“I love him. I wanted us to be together as a family. The four of us,” she explains to me. I’m not sure what she is hoping for here. If it is understanding and forgiveness, then she’s wasting her time. I lost our baby because of her and her ‘love.’
“Phil’s not a bad man. He really isn’t. He’s just passionate about what he wants, and he wanted the Savage legacy to come to both of his children, not some outsider.” She mutters something under her breath that I can’t make out. “Phil didn’t mean to kill Libby. He just wanted to scare her; you see.”
My blood runs cold.
I replay the words she just spoke in my head to ensure I heard her correctly.
“He killed Libby?”
“Yes, but...” she takes a step towards me, and I take one back, hitting the doorframe of the toilet cubicle. “He just wanted to scare her. He had her meet him up on the roof.” She shakes her head as if trying to clear her mind. “We shouldn’t be telling her this. I need to explain, though, so that they’ll all understand.”
The woman is clearly unwell. Is she hearing voices?
“He just wanted to tell her she couldn’t leave and that if she tried, he’d find her and make sure Calvin never got employment anywhere again. He just needed to make her see that she couldn’t take his son away from him.” Felicity’s nails dig into her own face. “But Libby wouldn’t listen, she said she was leaving that night and made to move past him. Phil, he just grabbed her to make her stay, but she fought him and well, he pushed her, and she lost her footing. She toppled over the side of the building. He never meant to hurt her, not physically.” Felicity slaps herself across the face. “Shut up, stop talking,” she mutters to herself in.
“Felicity, I think you need some help. You don’t seem very well. Georgie has been worried about you. I know she misses you. Why don’t you let me go get her? She’s here. I can bring her to you.”
“Georgie,” Felicity sobs, “my baby girl. It was all for her.”
I step slowly towards the door. “I’ll just get her.”
“No!” Felicity snaps, grabbing for me. She yanks me back by my hair and I stumble and crash into the wall. She’s on me before I have a chance to recover. Felicity slams her hands into my chest and pins me to the wall. What she doesn’t know is that I’m a fighter. I’ve taken girls twice her size on in the ring and beat them easily. I rear my head back and head butt her hard. She yelps and stumbles back, clutching her head, giving me the chance to make my escape.
I run out into the corridor, shouting for Tony. He comes bounding around the corner, gun at the ready. I open my mouth to tell him about Felicity, but before I get the chance, she grabs me from behind by my hair.