Page 108 of Silver Tears
I blanche. He did what?
“You adopted him?” I repeat, and he nods his head, still grinning at me and not taking his eyes off me. “Why? Why would you do that?”
He licks his bottom lip and swallows deeply. He seems nervous. “I got him for you.”
“For me?”
“For you.”
I shake my head. “I don’t understand.” I really don’t. I don’t know why we’re all standing here on the beach.
“I got him for you because I know how much you care about him and how you hated leaving him at the shelter after every shift.”
I look from Seb to the dog. Bruno wags his tail at me, wondering why I haven’t come over to pet him.
“Yes!” Charlie cheers delightedly, making the both of us laugh. “Bruno’s got a home!” he sings, skipping around the dog and waving his arms in the air. Bruno joins in on the excitement and starts jumping up after Charlie.
“Want to take the lead Chops?” Seb asks him, holding out the handle. “You’ll need to hold on tight, okay?” Charlie nods his head, eager to take it. He runs off down the beach with Bruno running alongside him, tail wagging.
“You adopted him for me, but why?”
“Because, Mills, I’m completely and utterly in love with you. I miss you. I want you back. I want you and Chops back in my life so much.” The words spill from his mouth like he’s been desperately holding them in. He runs a hand through his hair. “I want you to be my real girlfriend, Milly Silver.”
I swallow, taking in his words. He loves me?
“You love me,” I repeat, my voice shaky with emotion.
He nods his head firmly, still giving me that cheeky smile. “You going to give me an answer or stand there staring at me a bit longer?” he teases, kicking at the sand with his trainers.
I have so many things I want to say, but I find I’m at a loss for words. He walks closer to me, until our shoes bump together and he looks down at me, his eyes searching mine.
“Hey, precious. Have I rendered you speechless?” He cups the back of my neck with his hands.
“I’ve missed you so much,” I confess. My words barely a whisper.
“I missed you too. I need you, Mills.” His voice breaks as he looks longingly at my mouth. I close the small distance between us, reaching on my tiptoes and pressing my lips to his. It feels like coming home. He kisses me like he never wants to let me go. I clutch at his jacket as I kiss him back. I feel his smile against my lips as we take a breath.
“So, is that a yes?” he asks me, wrapping an arm around my waist to pull me flush against him.
“It’s a yes,” I reply, grinning at him. “I can’t believe you adopted a dog. You know you have to walk him, feed him, and clean up his poo.”
Seb rolls his eyes at me. “I’m aware. I think Bruno and me are going to get along great.”
“Seb, Milly! Can we walk Bruno along the beach?” Charlie asks, looking back at us as Bruno attempts to pull him forward, itching to get his paws in the water.
“Sure thing, Charlie. Just wait up,” Seb says, as he slings his arm over my shoulder and hugs me into his side. We walk to catch up with them and Charlie slips his hand into Seb’s. He peppers him with questions, asking him if he’s bought him a dog bed and where he’ll sleep at night. Seb confesses Bruno slept on his bed last night.
I chuckle. “Oh, who knew you’d be such a pushover? You’ve done it now; he’ll want to sleep on your bed every night.”
Seb grins down at me. “He’s fine on the bed, unless you're there, of course, then I’ll kick him out.” He winks at me, and I flush red. I can’t wait to be alone with him later.
We walk along the beach for about half an hour. Seb and Charlie throw a stick for Bruno to fetch, and he bounds up and down the beach, tail wagging. I still can’t believe Seb adopted him for me. Seb jogs over to me and tilts his head at me. “What’s put that smile on your face, precious?”
I grin up at him and wrap my arms around his neck. “You have. You make me happy.”
He leans down and kisses me, pulling me flush against him.
“Yuck, are you two kissing again!” Charlie groans from behind us and I laugh against Seb’s lips.