Page 48 of Silver Tears
“Hey, Mum.”
She blinks, pulling herself from her muse, a wide smile breaking out across her face. “Sebastian. I didn’t see you there. How was your day?”
I nod my head. “It was good. Real good.” It’s the truth. Today has been one of the best days I’ve had in a long time. I had fun, and it felt good to treat Charlie. To see him laughing and getting excited by the different animals; it brought me a lot of joy.
“There’s a girl!” she exclaims. “Only a girl could put a smile like that on your face.”
I laugh. “It’s not because of a girl. I just had fun with some friends today, that’s all. Is Vee home?” I purposely change the subject.
“No, not yet. She’s had a girls’ shopping day with Eliza. I expect she’ll be home soon.”
I nod my head. “Well, I’ll leave you to it. Don’t stay up too late. Even Monet had to sleep sometimes.”
She chuckles. It’s our little joke. I call her the Monet of the Collings family. “I won’t, I promise. Love you, son.”
I smile back at her. “I love you too, Mum. Goodnight.”
I climb the stairs to my room and just as I’m pulling off my shoes, a message notification pings on my phone. I pull it out of my pocket and smile when I see its Mill’s.
Thank you for today. Charlie loved it. I think you’re his new best friend.
Anytime. The kid is fun. And, of course I’m his new best friend. I just have a magnetic personality. I draw people to me.
I laugh out loud at her reply.
Eyeroll. You're so full of yourself, Collings. Good night.
Goodnight, precious.
I sit there smiling at my phone for a second like a complete fucking goofball. Having a girlfriend, even a fake one, isn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I thought it would just be a constant pain, having someone to check in with all the time. Maybe that is what it’s like with a proper girlfriend, though. Although Archer seems happier than I’ve ever seen him. Eliza brings out the best in him. He’s a happier and calmer person with her in his life. Fuck knows. Maybe it depends on the girl. Tam would be the ultimate clinger girlfriend, but Mills isn’t like that. She isn’t needy or clingy, but then again, she’s playing the part. It’s not like what we have is real.
Igroan into my pillow as my phone continues to ring; the noise echoing across my bedroom and disrupting my peaceful sleep. Growling into my pillow, I reach out and feel about for my phone on my bedside table.
“Well, that’s not a friendly way to greet your boyfriend, is it, Mills?”
I groan. Seriously? “Why are you ringing me at seven o’clock in the morning? Are you some kind of demon who doesn’t sleep?”
His response is a lazy, throaty chuckle. “I sleep. I’m just an early riser. Now get up, showered, and dressed because we are going out.”
I sit up in bed, rubbing my eyes. “No, we aren’t, because I have schoolwork to do today.”
“Nope. No schoolwork. It’s a bank holiday. Today Milly Silver is going to relax and have some fun. You work too hard and I’m here to make sure you have play time as well.”
I scowl. “I’m not eleven. I don’t need play time.”
“Oh yes you do,” he insists cheerily. How is he this upbeat so early? “I’m not taking no for an answer. So, get dressed and be ready for eight or I’m going to park up outside your house and ring the doorbell.”
“You wouldn’t dare!” I reply, horrified at the thought of him and my dad meeting.
“Oh, you know I would, precious.”
He’s right. I know he would. Damn him. “What about Charlie?”
“Charlie’s fine. I’ve arranged for Peggy to watch over him today. She’s going to go over and get him shortly and do some baking with him.”