Page 11 of Severed Roots
“What?” Minty whispered. “Does… does he know?”
A small knock came at the door making me and Minty jump half out of our skin.
“I’m guessing that’s him?” Rupert quirked a brow. “In which case, he’s about to find out.”
Minty disappeared again, returning this time with Hector’s hand in hers. On seeing Rupert, he attempted to pull it away, but Minty held it fast.
“Tell him Rupert,” she said.”
Rupert panned to his younger brother who, to my eyes, had never looked more like him. “We’re not Thorns, Hector.”
Hector didn’t move. He simply stared at Rupert, frozen.
“You and I are blood-related, but Sinclair and Iris are not our parents. Ossian is not our brother.”
Hector continued to stare blankly as Rupert pushed the envelope into his hands.
Minty nudged him gently with her shoulder. “Are you okay?”
Hector sank slowly onto the sofa and flicked through the certificates. “Who are Enid and Robert Winters?” he asked, devouring every word.
“Our parents.” Rupert’s gaze lowered to the floor.
“They live on the mainland,” I said. “Sinclair and Iris ordered them away after they handed over their first and second born children. Rupert, and… you.”
“I’ve never heard of them,” Hector said quietly.
Rupert’s lip rolled inwards. “There’ll be a reason for that,” he said, bitterly.
“Were they banished from the Consortium?”
“I don’t think they were never a part of it,” I replied.
When Hector looked up, his eyes were shining. “Are they still alive?”
I sighed, quietly. “I don’t know.”
Behind Hector, Minty stood as still as stone. Shocked to the core, just like the two brothers.
“What are you going to do?”
I was relieved Minty asked the question. Even though it was none of my business and never would be, I was curious about how they were going to handle this.
Rupert looked over at the papers and chewed delectably on his bottom lip. Even though we were beyond over, I would always dream of tasting his lips again one last time.
Hector jerked his head up and glared at Rupert. “I’m assuming you have some sort of idea up your sleeve, because… what?”
Rupert’s brow creased. “I don’t think we should be too hasty in telling anyone we know this,” he said, thoughtfully. “We might be able to use it to our advantage.”
“How?” Hector said, his deep voice a little higher than I was used to.
“I don’t know yet, but knowledge is power, brother.” Rupert looked up, his gaze skirting across me to Hector. “Can you keep it a secret for now?”
Hector placed the papers on the arm of the sofa and clasped his hands together. “I can if you can.”
“Good.” Rupert straightened. “Then we carry on as normal. I’ll admit to anyone who asks that I’ve finally had enough of Ossian. No one will question why I’ve beaten him half to death.”