Page 44 of Severed Roots
“So, what do you think is going to happen? You’re going to burn this place down then tell anyone who gives enough of a shit to listen that you had nothing to do with it after all? After parading your engagement and newfound devotion to the cause around the island for the last six months? You think anyone’s going to believe you?” He grinned sadistically. “No, you’ll be stuck with this legacy – a business you couldn’t save, or operate, or make a success of.”
I pretended to listen while my eyes skirted casually over the shelves beneath the desk. I hoped that whoever had come behind there had only turned off the security cameras – nothing more.
I roamed my fingers beneath the second shelf down until I felt cool steel against my fingertips. I curled my hand around the object then glanced up at Ossian. I trained my eyes on him, knowing that if I looked at Vivian, I risked being distracted, and right then I needed crystal clear focus. “I’d rather people think I was incapable of running an illegal and unethical business that has got people hooked on an opioid they never asked for, than assume I’m one of you creatures.”
He smiled like he’d won the jackpot. “You really do hate us, don’t you?”
I chuckled softly. “Hate isn’t a word I’d use.” Then I ground my gaze into him. “It’s too weak.”
He seemed to remember his original demand and tightened his hand again around Vivian’s neck. She choked with the sudden deprivation of oxygen, and the sound made me want to rip out his jugular. I kept my hand below the desk as I turned the gun until it nestled perfectly in my palm.
“You think you’re so special, don’t you?” he asked, his eyes narrowing suddenly. “You think you can get everything you want. Your freedom, a clear name and the girl? Well, I’ve got fucking news for you.” He cocked the gun and every cell in my body braced for attack. I focused on the barrel of the pistol lined up steadily against Vivian’s head. The adrenalin made me want to throw up. “She’s dead, Rupert. But hey, two out three ain’t bad.”
I watched his forefinger tense in slow motion, ready to pull back the trigger, but I was faster. I pulled up the gun, thinned my focus on the target and shot a bullet straight through Ossian’s hand. The second his other hand dropped from Vivian’s jaw, she let out a piercing scream and scrambled on hands and feet towards the exit. The gun clattered on the tiled floor and Ossian gripped his hand tightly, his gritted teeth barely holding back a shriek of pain and anger. Blood streamed from his broken bones and severed tendons.
I placed the gun on the top of the desk and walked slowly to where Ossian was bent double, his hand wedged between his knees in a bid to stop the pain. I stepped behind him, pulled both elbows behind his back and looked at the main doors.
Any second now.
Ossian wriggled breathlessly against my hold. The adrenalin coursing through him had given him strength but his was still no match for mine.
Come on, come on.
I dug my fingers into his aching muscles making him cry out. He kicked alternate legs backwards, trying to throw me off balance, but all I had to do was glance over at Vivian’s pale face and reddening eyes, still wide at the sight of the man who’d sexually abused her, and it was all the reason I needed to see this through. Seeing her suffer like that was all I needed to give me the strength to stand firm and hold him in place.
The main doors swung open and a tall figure walked in, a black velvet skirt swishing around studded leather boots.
Vivian had retreated back into a wall and was gripping it for stability when her jaw dropped.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Ossian spat.
“Didn’t Rupert tell you?” Marcia said, tipping her head to one side as if she was about to make a meal out of him. “He made me a promise.”
“What fucking promise?” Ossian made one last attempt to break free of my grip, then winced when I dug my fingers into his scrawny biceps.
Marcia ignored his question. “How many times have you beaten me, Ossian?”
He rolled his head and I could hear the cracking of knots and muscles in his shoulders. “I don’t know,” he said, lazily. “I haven’t been keeping score.”
Marcia’s lips twitched into a thin smile. “Well, I have.”
“And I suppose you’re about to enlighten me,’ Ossian said, almost slurring his words with boredom.
“Two hundred and thirty-six times,” Marcia said.
Vivian’s gasp echoed around the polished walls.
“That’s a load of shit.”
“Well, if you really want to protest, every time you left a bruise on me, I took a picture. I have four years’ worth of photographs Ossian.”
His head lolled to the left. “So?”
Marcia took another step forward until she was standing less than a metre away from him. “So… I have plenty of evidence to look back over should I ever find myself in the unlikely position of regretting what I’m about to do.”
Ossian sighed. “And what’s that?”