Page 7 of Severed Roots
I shrugged. “Everyone’s here aren’t they? Kids are on Christmas holidays. No one’s watching the site. No one’s watching the coastline. It’s perfect timing.”
Dax rounded on Hector. “You knew?” Then he spun towards me. “You were going to drop off supplies within a mile of a school?”
“Ossian was,” I clarified. “This is me not allowing it to happen.”
Dax’s anxious gaze darted between Hector and me and he spoke low. “So, what has happened?”
I jerked my head towards Jasper. “Tell them.”
Jasper narrowed his eyes on all of us. “The ferry sank eight miles off the coast of Aberdeen.”
Dax ran a hand through his hair and pulled at it. “Fuck. How?”
“The fuel tank blew.”
“Are you for real?” Even the scarred side of Dax’s face vibrated.
“Explosive device,” Jasper said with a slight shrug.
“And how the fuck did you get your hands on an explosive device?” Dax glared at me but I jerked my head towards Jasper. I didn’t want to steal his glory.
“We made it ourselves,” he replied, as though any idiot would have been able to work that out. “Before you people moved your billions over here, this land was used for agriculture. But when you arrived, all of that stopped. We were lured into serving you, instead of the land that you’ve just gone and destroyed. We’ve still got a shit ton of fertiliser lying around, useless.”
“Fertiliser?” Hector turned his full attention to Jasper. “What the hell do you do with fertiliser?”
“It’s full of nitrogen. Nitrogen is explosive.”
“So… you made a bomb?” Dax’s expression had changed to one of full-blown admiration.
Jasper shrugged, almost bashful. “Well, I wouldn’t call it a bomb, but it certainly did the job.”
Hector turned back to me. “So now what? We just let toxic waste sink to the ocean floor?”
I scrubbed my face again. This was the only part of the plan that had almost made me waver. “For now, yes. But six trucks-worth of waste on the seabed is better than an untold amount being buried in the land for the foreseeable future.”
“I have an update on that too.”
We all looked at Jasper.
“The authorities have been informed.”
Dax pulled his tie right out from under his collar and popped the top buttons of his shirt. “What the fuck?” He glared at me. “This will screw us all.”
“None of it is traceable to us,” Jasper said, carrying an admirable air of calm. “There was no paperwork to suggest the ferry was on its way here, but the suppliers will be in deep shit. They will lose their operating license, and the hospitals will deny any knowledge of a business relationship. We won’t be getting any more supply for a while.”
“Or ever,” I added, feeling the welcome warmth of satisfaction creep through my bones.
“Ossian’s going to blow his tank,” Dax said. “Are you ready for this?”
“After what he’s just done to Vivian?” I no longer recognised my own voice. “I’m more ready than I’ve ever been.”
Our collective sense of lightness was suddenly pierced by a shrill voice.
“There you are!”
All our heads spun to watch Elspeth, an absolute vision in a cloud of white walk towards us, half-empty glass of the island’s finest champagne raised aloft. “Where have you been, Rupert? People are asking where my husband is!”
I forced back a shudder.