Page 79 of Severed Roots
My head flipped from side to side and I moaned incoherently.
Rupert lifted his gaze and his breath swept across my cheek. “Fuck, baby, this is insane.”
He continued the torturous movement until the room turned white and I clenched around the whole of his cock.
“Fuuuuuuck,” Rupert hissed through gritted teeth.
Right at the last second, he withdrew and thrust hard, bouncing me up the bed. Like a caged animal let loose, he chased my body, thrusting long and hard. His fingers dug into my hips and my knees crept up to his arms. His hands thudded onto the mattress either side of my head and his face shook with the effort of controlling himself.
I stared into his eyes as I came undone and caught the delirium as it took hold of him too. We gripped each other through a mind-blowing climax, coming together through the haze.
Rupert’s face shook then he let an explosive gush of air.
“Holy fuck, Vivian. What was that?”
He withdrew and rolled onto his back by my side.
I stared at the ceiling, trying to comprehend the fact someone had made me feel that good in this room.
We laid still while our breaths slowed.
“I thought sex with the same person was supposed to get less intense over time, not so fucking intense I don’t know who the fuck I am.”
I turned to face him and his eyes met mine. They were warmer now, less dark. “You don’t have to sound so affronted.”
He reached a palm up to cup my face. “I don’t mean it like that. It’s just… I’ve never felt it like this before.”
I smiled and kissed the tips of his fingers. “I think we’re just lucky. And yes, I do like you telling me what to do. More than I ever thought I would. In fact, I think it’s what I need. Not in a sub/dom kind of way, but… you seem to know what I need better than I do. I like trusting you.”
He propped himself up on one elbow and stared into my soul.
“Really? Because I think it’s what I need too. Not to dominate you – although that is quite hot – but to help you experience yourself more thoroughly. I get a kick out of revealing parts of yourself to you.”
I leaned down and pressed a warm kiss to his lips, then ran my fingers over his unruly hair and burgeoning beard.
“Are you ready to meet the other most important person in my life?”
His eyes crinkled at the corners, smiling in their own way. “You fucking bet I do. Lead the way.”
Anna opened the door and welcomed us inside before throwing her arms around me first, then Rupert. I watched Rupert’s reaction, knowing he’d been brought up so differently. In upper class circles, hugs were not the standard greeting. He’d been raised with that stiff upper lip and inclination to be reserved at all times. To my pleasant surprise, he took to the informality like a duck to water.
So much so that when Richard turned the corner, instead of grasping his hand as he normally would, Rupert went straight in for a man hug. And it was not what I’d expected at all. It took my breath away to see the two most important men in my life becoming acquainted. They hit it off instantly. While Richard dragged Rupert off to see his own rather pitiful but nonetheless pride-inducing collection of whiskies, Anna led me into the living room where Peggy was laid on the sofa, sleeping.
“How’s she been?” I whispered to Anna.
Anna shook her head, lost for words. “I don’t know where to start Vivi,” she said. “It breaks my heart to see how well she was doing, and then for her to take such a turn for the worse.” She touched my arm lightly. “It’s not just the pain. That coming back in itself is a tragedy, although it doesn’t seem to be as extreme as before. Thank goodness for small mercies.”
I nodded, my gaze flitting between Anna and Peggy.
“But the addiction… It was so confusing until we heard from you. Her behaviour was erratic and selfish – so unlike her. She would lash out at us for no reason, then we wouldn’t hear from her for days. We worried we’d lost her Viv.”
“God, I’m so sorry,” I whispered.
Anna turned and gripped my shoulders, looking up at me. I noticed her eyelashes and hair had grown back a little more. “You can’t feel guilty about this, Vivian. I beg you. You risked everything to get her the help she needed, and it worked. For months, it worked. And Em told us what you went through over there. I can’t believe they treated you that way. It took me a long time to accept that you want to actually be with one of them.”
“He’s not one of them,” I said.