Page 31 of Of Blood and Roses
Elyse looked at him so intensely that for a moment, Killian thought he had said something to offend her. Her dark eyes bore into him with a force that he couldn’t read, and he struggled not to shift in his chair.
Then he realized it was the first time he’d spoken to her directly since forming the blood pact. Her expression was so convoluted, a mixture of shame and gratitude and apprehension, that he didn’t know how to react.
“No,” Elyse said after a beat, shaking her head. “I never bothered caring about it.” She turned toward Jaime expectantly. “This seems like something in your domain.”
Perhaps Killian was imagining the smug look on Jaime’s face, or perhaps it was actually there. “I know someone who claims to have seen it,” he said, leaning back in his chair. “I can leave today and be back in a few days, but…” As he trailed off, he leveled his gaze on Killian. “While I’m gone, no one is to visit the estate,” he said firmly, then turned his attention to Elyse. “And you are to stay inside.”
Elyse tightened her jaw ever so slightly before she nodded. “Of course,” she said—so meekly that Killian furrowed his brows. What had happened to the strong witch who didn’t take orders from anyone?
Killian sat up in his chair. “A few days is too long. Summer solstice is in one week—we can’t afford that much time.”
Jaime blatantly rolled his eyes. “Actually, you can’t afford for me to sit around here and read books,” he answered with a sneer.
Killian hated how successfully Jaime’s condescending gaze taunted him. He had been the youngest lieutenant in the Royal Guard, and an expert investigator. He had faced down ruthless criminals. He had clashed swords with merciless warriors. And now he was forced to sit in a library and read.
“I agree with Killian,” Sera said, strength returning to her voice. “Do you think you can get answers by tomorrow?”
Jaime’s eyes flashed toward Sera, then Elyse, as his charming smile slid across his features. “I’ll do everything I can,” he said in a disgustingly saccharine voice.
Killian tried not to gag.
“Fine,” he said, biting his tongue to keep from saying anything else. He didn’t give two shits whose house they were in. If Jaime thought he was going to come in and take over their investigation, he was sorely mistaken. Killian didn’t entirely trust him, but until Jaime gave him a solid reason to retaliate, he would keep his snide comments to himself.
Begrudgingly, he faced Jaime. “Do you have any literature on the rose?”
Jaime sighed and looked at the rows and rows of shelves that surrounded them. “There’s probably some books in here that might give us some insight on its power,” he mused. “You should take as many books as you can and research it while I’m gone.”
Killian groaned internally. He wanted to point out that it would just be easier for them to come back to the estate and read in the library, but he didn’t bother. He hated being here anyway.
It took them an hour to go through the books and select any that seemed relevant—books on demons, rituals, magical artifacts, corporeality, anything that might give them some sort of edge. Elyse kept the biggest tomes for herself while Killian, Sera, and Manny each took four or five books to review at home. They agreed that they would all meet back at the estate the next afternoon, when Jaime expected to return.
Killian stumbled awkwardly out of the library with an armful of books. Manny followed behind him as Sera said goodbye to Elyse, who already had her nose buried in one of the books. To Killian’s surprise, Jaime hurried past them in the hallway, eagerly racing toward the front door.
“Let me walk you out,” he said. He pulled the door open while they waited patiently—or as patiently as they could with sixty pounds of books in their arms—for Sera to catch up.
“Be safe,” Sera called to Jaime as she sidled out the door.
“Thank you,” Jaime said, then nodded to Manny as he crossed the threshold.
Killian was just about to step out when Jaime placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Killian, a word?” he smiled at him, though there was something icy in his eyes.
Manny took a step toward them, but Killian brushed his friend off. “Go ahead. I’ll just be a moment.”
Jaime partially shut the door, shielding Manny and Sera from view, and the smile abruptly dropped from his face.
“I don’t like you,” Jaime snarled in a low voice so Elyse wouldn’t hear down the hallway.
Killian was so caught off guard, he couldn’t help but let out a breathy laugh. “Well, we’re on the same page then,” he replied coolly.
Jaime’s eyes narrowed on him as his lips curled into a grimace. “If you even think about hurting Elyse, I will end you so fucking fast.”
Killian cocked his head and shifted the weight of the books in his arms. “Did Elyse not tell you about the blood pact?” he asked. Was he unaware that they were magically prohibited from causing one another harm?
“I know all about the blood pact,” Jaime snapped back.
He took a step closer to Killian, but Killian didn’t back down. He was a few inches taller than Jaime, and he stood a little straighter just to emphasize it.