Page 41 of Of Blood and Roses
Killian slipped himself out of her and pulled his trousers up around his waist while Elyse immediately leapt off the counter, tugging her nightgown down around her. He whirled to find Manny standing in the doorway, a look of unadulterated disapproval on his face.
Without uttering a word, Elyse shoved past Manny, hurrying from the kitchen. He heard her frantic footsteps as she raced up the stairs.
Manny just crossed his arms as he stared into Killian, judgment pouring from him. Beneath his disdain, though, there was an ounce of pleading. “Don’t do this,” his expression seemed to beg, his heart breaking for his friend.
Killian stood there, his arousal completely vanished. He knew it had been stupid of him to do anything with Elyse, yet he couldn’t say that he regretted it.
“Go to bed,” Manny mumbled as he turned and exited the kitchen, leaving Killian alone to deal with the consequences of his actions.
Chapter 26
- Killian -
The sun was just rising as Killian left his small bedroom in the clinic and ventured outside. He tucked his map into his pocket, the one that showed magic usage around the kingdom. He no longer needed it, of course, since he had already located Elyse. Still, it brought him some comfort to look it over, like a habit that soothed him. And after the night he’d had, he desperately needed soothing.
He still couldn’t believe he’d been reckless enough to kiss Elyse—and more. She was like a poison that he couldn’t rid from his body, no matter how hard he tried. Yet every time he closed his eyes, he pictured her gasping his name, her subtle curves showing beneath the thin chemise…
Get a hold of yourself.
He didn’t have time for such distractions, especially not ones as vile as her.
It was early enough that the air was still tolerable, not yet smothered with heat. Killian strode out of the clinic, which was quiet with sleeping inhabitants, and made for the nearest tree. He only made it a few steps before he realized someone else had already beat him there.
“Nina,” he called, catching her attention.
The young woman smiled up at him. She sat with her back against the base of the tree, enjoying the shade just as Killian had planned to do. A mug of tea was nestled in between her hands, and she looked exceptionally cozy.
“Come to take over my spot?” she jested.
Killian shook his head. “No, I’ll find my own spot.” He couldn’t help but stare at Nina, hypnotized by her transformation. Her skin was bright, her smile bold, and she had just teased him—actually teased him. She had made so much progress in only a few months while he had been… Well, depressed and vengeful.
“Join me,” she offered, patting the patch of grass beside her. “Mornings like this should be shared with good company.”
Killian couldn’t say no to that, so he sat beside her in the shade.
“Are you always up this early?” she asked once he had settled in.
Killian sighed. “I can’t sleep late, even if I try. I may not be a soldier anymore, but the habit remains.” He tried to say it jokingly, but the words still cut him. He didn’t know if he would ever get over leaving the Guard. “What about you?” he asked, quickly changing the subject.
Nina sipped her tea as a flock of birds soared overhead. “In the beginning I didn’t sleep much. I used to come out here and feel better. I’d never really tasted fresh air before.”
She was of course referring to when she first arrived at Privya’s clinic, after Killian and Elyse offered her a life free from selling her body. Elyse had used her magic to restore Nina’s teeth, which were rotted to the gums. They then brought her to Privya, where she was welcome to live and strengthen herself emotionally, in exchange for helping out at the clinic. It seemed that Nina had done more than just the bare minimum, though, when it came to pitching in.
“So what’s next, now that you found a healing spring?” Killian asked.
Nina nestled herself further among the roots of the tree. “I’m not sure,” she mused aloud. “Thanks to Elyse, we’re far ahead of schedule.”
Killian turned to look at her, one eyebrow arched. “Thanks to Elyse?”
“You didn’t know?” she asked, surprise in her voice. “Elyse gave Corin a special compass. She connected it to a vial of the spring water so that the compass would point in the direction of the nearest spring. It probably saved us months of searching.”
Killian was at a loss for words. Elyse had done that? She’d never told him about it. It sounded like a truly unique and helpful innovation, and an incredibly thoughtful gesture.
His surprise must have shown on his face because Nina laughed. “Why do you seem shocked?”
“I just—She…” She was what? Despicable? Heartless? The most frustratingly wretched person he’d ever had the pleasure of meeting?
“Is it hard to think of her doing nice things because she’s a wanted criminal?” Nina smiled, but her question was serious.