Page 6 of Of Blood and Roses
“And we’ll need something to track her by—a hair or something,” Siamus added.
Killian frowned. He’d tried using Elyse’s hair and other personal belongings to wield tracking spells, but with no success. He supposed the Bastards had their own methods.
He stood up straight and crossed the dusty floor in three lazy strides, trying to conceal his excitement. Finally, after two months of fruitless searching, after countless spellbooks, after so many sleepless nights, this felt like progress. So why was his hand so heavy as he lifted it toward Siamus? Why was his voice raw as he uttered his agreement?
Siamus hesitated for a moment, long enough that Killian thought he’d said something to offend the leader. The dusty air floated around them as they stared one another down, their cooperation hanging in the balance between them.
Then he took Killian’s hand in his own massive, scarred hand and shook it—and the deal was made.
Chapter 4
- Elyse -
There was nothing like fresh fucking air.
Sure, Elyse had opened the windows before and let a summer breeze caress her. She’d even been out of the house twice—with Jaime’s blessing, of course—to perform her full moon rituals. But feeling the seductive warmth of sunshine and being surrounded by nature, watching the birds soar overhead and inhaling nothing but pure, fresh air… For a moment she could forget that she was a wanted murderer.
She sat on the edge of a blanket with her bare feet nestled in the grass. Jaime had led them to a spot near the lake, and the rhythmic lapping of the water against the shore was soothing. He’d spread out a few snacks as well—cheeses, crackers, pastries—but Elyse hadn’t touched any of them. For now, she just wanted to bask in the outdoors.
Jaime lay beside her, his face lifted to the sky. His golden hair hung loose around his shoulders, shimmering in the sunlight. His pale, flawless skin and his sharp blue eyes fit the landscape perfectly, like a painting brought to life.
"Nothing from Lazarus?" he asked gently, as if scared she might run at the inquiry.
Elyse didn't answer right away, instead staring off at the shoreline, watching the waters swell and recede, swell and recede. Two full moons had passed while she'd stayed at Jaime's cottage, and she hadn't performed the ritual for either of them. She'd stayed awake the whole night the first time, sitting up in bed with her knees to her chest as she awaited Lazarus's condemnation. It hadn't come.
She'd been certain that he would find a way to torment her, just as he had when she'd refused to kill Kelia, the young girl whose death had changed everything. Then, he'd somehow infiltrated her mind, besieging her with visions of how he would punish her if she didn't obey. Surely, she'd thought, he would do the same—or worse. But the night had passed and the sun had risen without so much as a hint of Lazarus's wrath.
Elyse's shock had captivated her for the better part of a week. She'd been scared, of course—downright terrified if she were being honest. And yet, she couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment. Part of her had sat in that bed, loathing the plush mattress and the silk sheets, eager for Lazarus's judgment. It would have been a reprieve to bear someone else's affliction for once, instead of her own. She would have welcomed it.
By the time the second full moon shone in the sky, her anxiety had ebbed. If Lazarus was angry at her for abandoning her duties, he wouldn't have waited a full month to retaliate. She didn't understand why he no longer seemed to care about her obligations, and she didn't wish to dwell on it for long. She'd never understood his motivations. She didn't have the energy to start caring now.
Jaime continued to gaze at her, awaiting her answer. Finally, she managed a shrug.
He nodded, his posture nonchalant, but his blue eyes confessed his concern. Elyse looked away.
She knew she should try harder, if only for his sake. He had done so much for her. Not only had he saved her life, he’d kept her hidden from the Guard. He made certain she was well cared for and tried to help her stay sane. The gifts and activities he brought her were thoughtful, and he came to see her as often as he could. She was lucky to have him, yet she just couldn’t bring herself to care.
She sighed and stretched her toes deeper into the grass, trying to ground herself in something familiar. “How’s business?”
She felt him tense a little beside her as if he hadn’t expected her to speak. “Business is… excellent,” he said, somewhat timidly, like he was hesitant to admit his good fortune in light of her own pitiful situation. “I’m actually going to be gone for a few weeks, acquiring some new artifacts. That’s why I wanted to do something special today.”
Elyse glanced at Jaime as a knot formed in her stomach. She hadn’t realized that some part of her looked forward to his visits until she was faced with a prolonged absence. Dread crawled up her spine. She would be left with nothing but her own company for weeks.
Jaime gave her a sympathetic smile as he touched her hand. “You’ll be all right,” he encouraged. “You’re strong.”
Without thinking about it, Elyse curled her fingers around Jaime’s hand. Devil’s blaze, it had been so long since she’d had any sort of contact with another person, and her chest seized. She let his touch anchor her. Jaime squeezed her hand in return, and Elyse thought her heart might stop from the pure comfort it gave her.
They sat together like that for a long moment, simply holding hands. Elyse’s mind was a pendulum, swinging between resolution that she would be fine on her own and utter panic at her future’s uncertainty. Was this her life now? Hiding away in the countryside, alone and nearly catatonic? Craving the company of a man she saw sporadically? Even if she did take up a hobby, what was the point? Art and music—they were all meant to be shared, appreciated collectively. She detested the idea of drawing or writing or learning piano if there was no one else to validate it. Perhaps that made her selfish, or simply human. But she had been someone before all this. She’d had a reputation as a proficient businesswoman and a ruthlessly powerful witch. And it hurt so badly to have nothing to show for herself.
She was getting carried away. Nothing had to be decided now. There were still options to pursue. She could escape to another kingdom and build a new life there. She just needed to take a little time and figure out what she wanted, and then she could form a plan. She was, after all, one of the most cunning and capable women in all of Rhodan. She could do this.
She looked to Jaime, her confidence growing. With his help, she could do this.
“Thank you,” Elyse murmured, unsure why she was saying it. “For everything.” She let out a long breath, trying to banish the anxiety from her body.
Jaime gave her a warm but crooked smile. “I have a confession to make.”
Elyse tilted her head, a little nervous but curious nonetheless.