Page 84 of Of Blood and Roses
Chapter 48
- Elyse -
When Elyse awoke in Killian’s arms, she thought she was dreaming. The tent was still dark, and her muscles were sore. She didn’t want to move.
Then she remembered everything. The angel’s blood, the walker, making love with Killian. Her heart thundered with every recollection, forcing her to sit upright.
“What time is it? We need to get going.” They needed every second of daylight to hike back to the dock and find Ymaritis. As much as she wanted to stay in bed with Killian, there was work to be done. A demon to destroy.
Her nerves on edge, she scrambled to find her clothes as Killian rubbed his eyes. He stretched his muscled arms over his head and sat up, reaching for his tunic on the ground. By then Elyse was already dressed and lacing up her boots. She was just about to stand and enter the main area of the tent when a hand yanked her back down to the bed.
“Just one thing,” Killian said, and he pulled her close to kiss her.
And just like that, everything suddenly felt lighter.
“Thank you,” she breathed against his lips. “I needed that.”
“Go on,” he said, tilting his head toward the curtain. “I’ll be out in a moment.”
Despite the heavy bags under his eyes, Killian was glowing. His golden eyes shone at her with pure admiration, and his smile gave her hope. Elyse stole one more kiss before leaving him on the bed.
No one was in the main area of the tent, so Elyse darted outside. Daylight grazed the property, skimming the edges of the trees. Sera, Manny, and Zubir were already gathered around the smoldering remnants of the fire, preparing a small breakfast in the dim light of dawn. They all looked tired, purple shading their eyes, though they seemed to be humming with the same frenzied energy as Elyse.
“Good morning!” Zubir said cheerily as he shoved a mug of tea at her. His ebony hair was arranged in a new style—a pair of buns on either side of his head. “Feeling better?”
Elyse felt her cheeks heat. Devil’s horns, she’d acted like such a fool last night—first by endangering herself by trying to leave on her own, then by completely breaking down. She glanced at Sera, who was trying to hide a smirk. Of course—she was probably beside herself with excitement that Elyse and Killian had shared a bed.
“I am, thank you,” Elyse mumbled as she cupped the mug in both hands. “Where’s Jaime?”
“Washing up,” Manny answered. When she looked at him, he gave her a tiny nod—so small, she almost thought it hadn’t happened.
She thought that would be the worst of it, that they could go on about their business without making a fuss over their reconciliation. But Killian emerged from the tent a moment later, and Manny beamed at him.
“Get much sleep last night, mate?” he asked, his voice simpering, which earned him a smack on the arm from Sera.
“Shut up,” Killian grumbled, but he came to stand by Elyse, placing a hand on the small of her back.
Elyse hid her smile behind her mug.
Jaime rounded the house and nearly stopped in his tracks. He stared at Elyse, tension brewing in his icy blue eyes. Then his gaze slowly moved to Killian. His shoulders squared as he took in the way they stood together, his nostrils flaring subtly. Elyse shifted on her feet. Jaime had given Killian plenty of dirty looks, but this one was different. There was true malice in his eyes as his warning to stay away from Killian echoed in her mind.
Elyse cleared her throat. “Is everyone packed up?”
The group gave various affirmations that they were ready to leave. Sera handed Elyse a slice of bread slathered in jam. Her purple eyes were soft as she touched a hand to Elyse’s shoulder.
“Are you ready?”
Elyse nodded, her heart in her throat. No, she was far from ready to face Ymaritis—to face Lazarus—but she had allies. She slipped her arm around Killian’s waist.
She had him.
She scarfed down the slice of bread and threw on her pack, and they all made their way to the gate. The men offered Zubir handshakes and thanked him, and Sera wrapped the small man in a tight hug.
Zubir’s gray eyes met Elyse’s and she stepped toward him. “Thank you, old friend,” she said, trying to sound firm. It didn’t seem like enough, a simple thank you. But Zubir grinned back at her.
She closed the space between them and gave him a quick hug before turning away. The sun had just breached the horizon, brightening the tops of the exotic trees. She took a deep breath as Manny opened the gate, and prepared to leave.
“Wait,” she said as she suddenly spun back to Zubir. “Come with us.”