Page 35 of Lincoln
“You’re a weirdo.”
“A workaholic weirdo.” He picks up his phone from the white gloss tabletop, taps at his phone a few times, then turns it around to show me whatever he was searching for.
Right enough, there he is. Lincoln Black, Director, The Sanctuary Hotel and Spa.
“That’s you,” I squeal.
“It is.”
“In a suit.”
“In a suit,” he confirms.
I scroll through the pictures of the hotel. It’s out of this world. Black-and-white marble floors shinier than a diamond. It’s like a sexy chessboard. “Wow.” A soft gasp leaves my chest.
Lincoln then proceeds to tell me all about Castleview Cove. It’s a small seaside town on the east coast of Scotland. World famous for its golf courses, my father would love that, and it hosts one of the largest golf tournaments in the world—The Championship Cup. I had heard of the event before, but I wasn’t sure where it was hosted.
He pulls up hundreds of photos of his hometown from online as well as his own collection and it’s breathtaking.
From the thirteenth century castle that sits high above the town, the vibrant green golf courses, and quaint pastel-painted houses that line the harbor, to the mile-long pier and golden wild beach. It’s like something from a movie. Lincoln shared how many traditional family businesses have been passed down through the generations too. The close-knit community of tiny houses along cobbled streets is steeped in history.
I listen intently as Lincoln reels off a multitude of stories about all the best places to visit. He makes me want to hop on a plane and visit, now.
Perched high on the cliffside overlooking the entire bay of Castleview Cove is the pièce de résistance, The Sanctuary Hotel and Spa. The view must be incredible. Lincoln also showed me a walkthrough video they recently commissioned.
I’m surprised I wasn’t catching flies as I watched it; it’s gobsmacking gorgeous. It has black-and-white marble throughout. White flooring and black doorways, an enormous snow-white entryway that could fit at least ten of my house in it. Warm crystal lighting, white fixtures, white everything with a touch of black here and there. Their hotel is otherworldly. No wonder it’s gold five-star-rated and they are fully booked all year round.
It’s admirable.
Relaxing in their luxurious ebony chill-out room following a treatment or three is something I could do with this week. Although slowing down is not an option for me at present. I can’t recall the last time I had a massage or a swim to just chill out.
Lincoln passes me his phone to look at the website again. I click back to the Meet the Team section to find his photo. In one of them, he is standing by his father. Wow, he’s a handsome devil. I read his name. Knox Black. He’s even got a sexy name. Lincoln comes from outstanding stock. Wealthy stock.
“You look like twins. You’re both wearing matching Armani suits.”
“We do and we are.” He exhales.
I look up from his phone. Elbow bent, he’s resting his cheek on his hand, and I feel his good mood plummet.
Ah, I see. It dawns on me. I place his phone back on the table.
“You think this changes how much I like you, Lincoln?”
He pops a shoulder up toward his ear.
“I honestly don’t care. I like you as you are. When I first met you, I liked you. I liked you in the office when I fell over. You were kind and respectful. I liked your casual look in shorts and a tee shirt. I like you in a suit. I like how you look now. When we played the truth and lie game, I liked you more. Then my curiosity ran deeper when you helped me up to the top of that stupid pole today and then pulled me off, plunging me into my early grave.”
“You didn’t die.”
“I could have.”
He smirks.
I slide my hand along the table and turn my hand over, palm up, inviting him to take it. He surprises me by accepting.
“I like everything about you. I want to know more. Trust me, I know exactly what it’s like. Superficial friends and men who want to date me or be my friends all the time, I get it, I do. They think being seen with me will lift their profile, increase their popularity. With money comes fake friendships and it can bring out the worst in people.”
He rubs his thumb back and forth across the top of my hand.