Page 49 of Frozen Flames
“We have forever.” I turn to face him.
Reaching up, he runs his finger down my cheek. “Exactly.” We stare at each other as if we are the only two people in the world and I’m amazed at how comfortable I am around him, even though I’m completely naked.
“I've had the best night, Ash.” I can’t quite believe everything that’s happened tonight. Not just the making each other come, but the hockey game was so much fun, spending time with my family, and his, then the club. And it was wonderful meeting some of his teammates. My mouth lets out a loud, lazy yawn and I cover my lips with the back of my hand. “I’m so sorry. That was rude.”
Eyelids drooping, he lets out a loud yawn, too.
“Tired?” I ask.
“Yawning is contagious.” He’s fighting sleep, his eyes almost closed. “I’m exhausted. A feisty tiger made me go out to a nightclub after a game tonight,” he mutters. “It was totally worth it though.”
Chuckling, I reluctantly jump out of the bed and pull on his dress shirt, then make him get under the covers. I run around my apartment, turning off the lights, unplugging my record player, and grabbing two glasses of water, smiling to myself as I pour the untouched coffee down the drain.
Returning to my room, being careful not to disturb him, placing the water on the nightstand, I tiptoe around the room. He’s almost asleep when I hop back into bed and I take this opportunity to get a good look at him. My gaze lingers for a moment longer on his beautiful, tattooed covered chest as I remove my makeup. Like a magnet, I can’t stop myself from reaching out and running the tip of my finger over the intricate ink. Small Roman numerals curve around the outer edge of the eagle neighboring his father’s name. His memorial piece dedicated to the man who inspired him to be a hockey player and is his hero took me by surprise when he removed his shirt. His steel exterior camouflages his soft center and big squishy heart.
Pulling the covers up over us both, I snuggle in, stealing his warmth.
“Night, Tiger.” He wraps his arms around me and drags me closer to him, my back to his front.
“Night, Bear.” I use the nickname the fans call him.
Planting a soft kiss into my hair, he chuckles. I thread my fingers into his and he squeezes me tighter.
“The tiger and the bear,” he mumbles, half asleep.
“Two very different beasts but they both eat people.” I reach over, switch the sidelight off, and get comfortable.
Hot breath warms my neck. “I’m going to eat you out every day for the rest of my life.”
I have no doubt about that. And yes, please. I’ll take that to go.
“Now go to sleep, Tiger. We’re meeting our families for brunch tomorrow.”
Are we?
When the hell did he arrange that?
This man.
Within minutes, his breathing slows, and I know he’s already asleep, his body relaxed and heavy with tiredness.
And for the first time since my mom died, I fall asleep for a solid eight hours inside a solid set of arms.
Lily – Two Months Later
“How do I look?” I step out of Ash’s bedroom into the huge living space overlooking the city to show Kourtney my devastatingly jaw dropping, he will definitely want to rip it off, dress.
Sliding her champagne glass across the coffee table, she gasps, “Holy shit, you look beautiful. And sexy.” She rises to her feet as if not believing what she’s seeing. I can’t deny this dress hugs all my curves in all the right places.
Tonight is the Eagles’ Christmas party. Although I’ve attended all of Ash’s games, this is the first official team social event I have been invited to. To say I am nervous is a huge understatement; I might be sick or wet myself, maybe both. I can’t decide. My stomach is whirling around like a carnival ride.
I do a twirl in my strappy diamanté heels, showing off my red satin to the floor dress.
“The back is stunning.” Walking over to me, she does a full three hundred and sixty degree walk to get a better look at the diamanté spaghetti straps at the back. “You look like a princess.”
“I feel like a million dollars.” I poke my leg out of the thigh-high split of my exquisite gown.