Page 76 of Frozen Flames
“Tell me about it.” Candy rolls her eyes. “This one is trying to burst my kidneys.”
I pull my hand away slowly. “Thank you.” My voice breaks with emotion. “That’s beautiful.”
She cups my face affectionately while Bree’s hand finds mine. “Have you ever considered fostering, adoption, or surrogacy?” Bree asks.
“I always wanted one of my own. Half Ash, half me.” I’m honest with them. Adoption and fostering are more intensive and complicated than people think. And surrogacy is not an avenue I wanted to explore or even physically and emotionally put a surrogate through.
None of the options were what we wanted.
We sit in silence for a few minutes before Bree asks, “So, where were you going to go?”
“Ash’s old apartment in the city.” We made so many memories in that place. It’s where we lived when we first got married. I still love it. “It’s sitting empty.” It’s fully furnished and only rented out to hockey players we know from time to time. Mainly when they are transferring to the team and need somewhere to live until they find their own place. It still has some of Ash’s old arcade games and the pool table in it, something we never got around to moving to the new house.
“Well then, let me drive you there. You aren’t staying here tonight in this big old lonely house by yourself.” Bree looks around. “It’s beautiful, but what the hell made you move all this way outside of the city? It’s so dark outside.” She looks out the bedroom window, overlooking the yard, the bright moon shining off the pond.
“We liked the house and the yard.” Now I’m not so sure if I still do. It is too far out of town. It’s no wonder I am lonely. It sits by itself like a widowed giant, up the long drive with no other houses around it for miles.
Bree bounces off the bed. “Well, Mrs. Johansson. We will get you settled into your old apartment. You need a good night’s sleep. And I think you just need some space to figure out what you want. This is just a blip.”
“A glitch.” Candy walks across to the door. “Wow, your carpet feels incredible.” She wiggles her bare toes, pushing the wool between them, and Bree does the same. “Oh, wow,” she moans. “Orgasmic carpet.”
I laugh again, which I didn’t think was possible. I have missed these girls.
Bree high fives Candy. “We made her laugh, kudos to us.”
“I might cry again.” There is a high chance of that happening when I close the door on this house tonight.
Candy loops her arm around my shoulder. “Grab your phone and keys and anything else. Bree will drive your car and you can come with me.”
“Thank you.” I look between the two of them.
“We’ve got you.” Bree moves in for a three-way hug.
And right on cue, I start crying. “I’m sorry. I feel so sad. And lost. I broke his heart,” I sob.
They hold me until I stop, reassuring me that everything will be alright, not once saying mean things about Ash or man hating on him. Because they know he’s a great guy.
“Are you sure I’m doing the right thing?” I ask them both.
“Only you can answer that,” Bree answers.
“I don’t want to stay in the house.” I look around my bedroom. And that, I suppose, answers my question.
Maybe they are right. Maybe this is just a glitch.
But how can we ever come back from this?
I can’t figure it out.
Maybe we never will.
Because I broke his heart.
He’ll hate me forever.
And I will hate myself for longer.