Page 35 of Playing for Keeps
“I didn’t say she had a wand,” Leo huffed. “That would be ridiculous.”
Hugh’s mouth stretched to a teasing grin. “Even so, I think I’ll take my chances.”
After working in the restaurant for eight hours on Sunday, all Allie wanted to do was take a long shower and slob out in front of the TV for the evening. Going on a date wasn’t particularly appealing and she couldn’t help but question why she’d agreed to it.
Trying hard not to dwell on the negatives, she had a quick shower and pulled on a comfortable jersey dress with sheer tights and Chelsea boots. It didn’t feel like a lot of effort, but she was happy with the overall effect as she pushed a pair of teardrop earrings through her lobes.
At the sound of a loud rap on the door, she almost jumped out of her skin.
“Just a minute,” she shouted, presuming it was Hugh, but not entirely convinced since she’d assumed he’d wait for her in the car park.
After one last glance in the mirror and a final adjustment to her hair, she pulled her coat on, plucked her handbag from the bed and opened the door.
“Hi,” she said to the figure just along the path.
When he turned and smiled, it took her brain a moment to process that it was in fact Hugh. Only when he spoke was she really sure.
“Hi,” he said, his eyes sparkling and his mouth twitching madly as though he was struggling not to laugh.
Him being on the verge of hysterics was as confusing as his appearance.
“You look …” She searched for the right words. Younger, sprang to mind. As did hot and slightly buff, but she decided not to voice any of those. “Second dates suit you,” she said diplomatically.
“Oh, thanks.” His eyes shot downwards as though only just figuring out what she was referring to. “I went shopping.”
“You look good.” The dark jeans fit him perfectly, as did the navy pullover, which gave glimpses of the bright white shirt beneath.
“Thank you.” He swallowed hard, still beaming. “So do you.”
“Do I?” She glanced down. “Because I feel as though you’re laughing at me. Do I have toothpaste down myself or something?” She shifted her coat but couldn’t see anything obviously out of place. In a fit of self-consciousness, she ran her hands over the back of her thighs. “My dress isn’t caught in my knickers, is it?”
“No.” He pressed his lips together but his eyes still shone with mirth. “I’m sorry, it’s not you. I just thought of something funny right when you opened the door. Ignore me. Are you ready to go?”
“Um …” She was intrigued about what had got him looking so entertained and had a horrible feeling that he might be amused by her accommodation. You couldn’t even call it a flat, it was so small. A bedsit maybe, but even that made it sound more than it was.
“Where are we going?” she asked as they wandered back towards the car park.
“Have you heard of Sometimes Island?”
“No. I don’t think so.”
He stopped on the path and turned around. “Come here,” he said with a tilt of his head.
“Where are we going now?” she asked, hurrying to keep up as they followed the path in the opposite direction. It took a steep uphill turn before levelling out and continuing to the clifftops.
“There,” he said, stopping after a couple of minutes and pointing along the coastline.
She’d walked along that path several times in the last week, so she wasn’t sure how she’d failed to spot the small island a little further around the coast. From this distance – and in the fading daylight – the well-lit building at one side of the island looked like a fancy little doll’s house.
“That’s where we’re going?” she asked.
“That building is an old art déco-style hotel. The restaurant is stunning. I think you’ll like it.” He checked his watch. “We should get going. It’s further than it looks since we have to drive around the estuary.”
She followed him back the way they’d come and caught his quiet snort of laughter when her accommodation came back into view.
“It’s not that funny,” she said with a stab of irritation.