Page 53 of Playing for Keeps
She had to rush to get showered before work, so she didn’t have time to call Bella. Which was a shame, because she desperately wanted to talk to someone and relive her morning. And probably squeal a little as she recalled her kiss with Hugh.
As it was, she was sure the thought of kissing him would keep her smiling until she saw him again.
Only working three shifts a week meant Allie was still getting to know the staff, but as far as she could tell, they were professional and efficient. There was a friendly vibe around the clubhouse, and the members appeared to enjoy the relaxed atmosphere.
After his initial elusiveness, Allie had seen the greenkeeper, Ron, a couple of times now, but only for long enough to exchange pleasantries. Unlike the maintenance team at Fox Hill, they kept a low profile here, but the course was well kept regardless.
Wandering over to the clubhouse for her shift that morning, she spotted Daisy and Ron outside the equipment shed and greeted them warmly. Daisy had been talking animatedly with her grandad but stopped abruptly at the sight of Allie.
“Hi,” she muttered before hurrying back to the clubhouse.
“Is she okay?”
“Yes.” Ron ambled over to Allie. “She’s just been working too hard, and she’s shy around new people. Don’t pay her any mind if it takes some time for her to warm up to you.”
Allie hadn’t particularly noticed Daisy being shy, but she also seemed to be constantly busy so Allie hadn’t had much chance to chat to her.
“You must have your hands full, keeping the course up to snuff,” Allie remarked.
“I do.” He grinned. “No rest for the wicked.”
“How long have you worked here?”
“Fifteen years. That’s flown, I can tell you.”
“And you enjoy it?”
“I love it. Best job in the world. I get a gorgeous little cottage thrown in with the job too. That’s one heck of a perk, isn’t it?”
“Did I hear right that Daisy lives with you?”
“Yes. Since she was little. She keeps me on my toes, that one.”
“Grandad!” Daisy’s voice called out. “I thought you had work to get on with?”
“See what I mean,” Ron whispered out of the side of his mouth, while raising his hand to wave at Daisy in the club's entranceway.
“Kevin’s looking for you,” she told Allie before disappearing back inside.
When Allie went into the restaurant it didn’t seem that Kevin had been looking for her at all, but she got straight to work alongside Freddie. She was happy to find they had several tables occupied for lunch, not just for her own business interest but because it made time go faster.
Not fast enough though, especially as the afternoon drew on and she wondered what time Hugh might appear.
As it was, he timed it perfectly and arrived when she’d cashed up her last table. At the other side of the restaurant, Kevin was chatting with a group of men he seemed to know well. Since Freddie was clearing up the last of his tables, and the rest of the tidying up was already done, Allie felt comfortable joining Hugh for a drink at the bar.
“My feet are killing me,” she told him, rotating her foot at the ankle. “I can’t wait to get these shoes off.”
“Feel free,” Hugh said, shifting so his thigh rested softly against her knee.
“I don’t think Kevin would appreciate me being that casual in the restaurant.” She took a long swig of the refreshingly cold beer. “How was your day? Did you get a lot of work done?”
“Not as much as I hoped. I was a bit distracted.”
“Really?” she asked coyly. “What had you so distracted?”
He scrunched his face up. “Just my wandering thoughts.”