Page 60 of Playing for Keeps
“I know you are. Let’s hurry up. Maybe you’ll have time for a nap before work.”
A moment later, the sound of the strimmer started up again, drowning out everything else.
“Let’s go,” Allie mouthed.
Hugh was quite theatrical in peeking around the tree. He directed Allie to wait until Freddie was far enough away for them to pick their way quietly through the bushes and back through the wooded area. They stayed quiet until they hit the coastal path, then paused to brush stray leaves and detritus from their clothes.
“I’m still none the wiser,” Allie said, sweeping a pine needle from Hugh’s hair. “Why is Daisy doing greenkeeping work and why is she paying Freddie to help her?”
“It’s kind of weird,” Hugh admitted.
“Very.” Allie stared out at the English Channel for a moment before catching the wide grin on Hugh’s face. “You really did enjoy that, didn’t you?”
“So much.” His joy was infectious. “It was such an adrenaline rush. That moment when I thought we might get caught was intense.” He blew out a breath. “I’m seriously considering a career change.”
“International spy?”
He took her hand as they set off along the path, pressing his palm firmly against hers. “I’ll settle for local private investigator. At least to start with.”
“It’s probably better not to be too ambitious.” Her smile faltered as she once again considered telling him everything. This time she made the conscious decision not to share her secret with him. Everything felt so perfect that she didn’t want to risk ruining it.
Plus, she was too wrapped up in the sun rising over the water to embark on any deep conversations. All she wanted to focus on was the feel of Hugh’s hand in hers, the salty air in her lungs and the stunning colours appearing at the horizon.
It was a good mile back to her place, but it seemed to take no time at all.
“I should go home and get on with some work,” Hugh said, when they arrived back at the clubhouse.
“I’ll walk to your car with you,” she said, glancing suspiciously at the doors to the shed, which were wide open.
Hugh’s gaze went in the same direction. He raised his eyebrows and released her hand as they wandered towards the car park.
“Morning!” Allie called to Ron, stopping to let him pass as he rode the lawnmower out of the shed.
“Morning, love! You’re up early.”
She felt her cheeks heat slightly, not having thought about the fact that she was walking from her place with Hugh at the crack of dawn, both looking fairly dishevelled.
“We had a little sunrise walk,” she said.
He tipped his chin at Hugh, then set off again before Allie could question him about Daisy.
“I guess he just needs some help,” Hugh remarked by his car.
“But if he needs help, why aren’t we …” Allie frowned at her slip. “Why don’t they employ more help? Daisy must be running herself ragged doing two jobs. I’m fairly sure she isn’t being paid for the greenkeeping work.”
“Ask her?” Hugh said, opening the driver's door.
“Some undercover detective you are.” She rolled her eyes, before her thoughts shifted to when she’d see Hugh again.
“Shall I message you later?” he asked.
“Yeah.” She stepped closer to him and smiled. “Maybe we can go for that picnic on Dartmoor sometime.”
“I’d like that.” His hand landed at her hip as he gave her a soft kiss. “Talk to you later,” he said casually.
Allie couldn’t stop grinning as she wandered back up to her place. Flopping onto her bed, she was tempted to call Bella and fill her in on her recent adventures, but decided not to run the risk of anyone putting a dampener on her mood. Instead, she lazily replayed her time with Hugh in her head.
It shouldn’t have been surprising that she drifted back to sleep, but when she woke three hours later, it took Allie a while to get her bearings. In Surrey, she worked much longer hours and generally survived on a cocktail of caffeine, painkillers and adrenaline. She managed a hectic work schedule without ever taking naps.