Page 74 of Playing for Keeps
“You seriously want to design the course with me?”
“Yes. If you want to.”
“It’s a lot of work,” she pointed out.
“I know. I thought we could figure out a general overview of the course and then draw up detailed plans for a few of the holes. Enough for you to present to the owners and give them a good feel for it.” He smiled cheekily. “They’d have to give us money if they wanted more.”
“I’m sure they’d want more.” Her dad had wanted her to figure out how to make the club more profitable and she suddenly felt sure that a complete revamp was a fantastic idea. It would mean she’d probably need to take over the running of Thurley Beach. Which would mean her moving to Hope Cove. Her chest fluttered at the thought of it.
“So we’ll do it?” Hugh asked.
“Yes.” Her eyes locked with his and her mouth pulled to a slow smile. “Let’s do it.”
Apart from a quick trip home for fresh clothes, Allie spent the entire weekend at Hugh’s place. More than once, she opened her mouth to tell him that she owned the golf club. Each time she stopped herself, knowing that as soon as she told him, everything would change.
Instead of them designing the course for fun, it would become a business transaction, because she was fairly sure she would use the designs, which meant Hugh’s architectural skills would be something she’d pay him for. Or at least the company would.
If he knew it was a paid gig it would change the dynamic between them. Most likely, he’d stop challenging her ideas and arguing for his own – about fifty per cent of which she ended up agreeing with him on. He’d probably also take the project a little more seriously, meaning there’d be way less laughter. Considerably less kissing, too, she supposed.
It wasn’t as though she thought she could keep it from him forever, but for now she wanted to enjoy things between them exactly as they were. Real life could keep out of it for a little while longer.
Unfortunately, she couldn’t ignore real life altogether. Not once Monday morning arrived and work beckoned.
She’d been trying to leave Hugh’s place for the last hour. At the first mention of her going, he’d distracted her with questions about the design of the eighth hole, and at the second mention he’d set about kissing her until they’d ended up back in bed.
“Are you sure you need to leave?” Hugh asked, pouting at her while she stood beside the bed, pulling her jeans on.
“Yes.” She grinned at his petulance. “There’s this thing called work … I believe it’s something you need to get on with today as well.”
“Such a killjoy,” he said, while his lazy smile made her insides feel all warm and fuzzy.
After putting her T-shirt on and then her jumper, she worked her way around the room to collect her clutter and deposit it into her tote bag. Her hairbrush and keys from the chest of drawers, a cardigan from the end of the bed, her phone and charger from the bedside table.
“It didn’t take me long to mess up your room, did it?”
“No.” When he lay back, she wasn’t discreet in letting her gaze linger over his naked body, only partially covered by the duvet. “And I hope you noticed it didn’t bother me one bit.”
“I noticed,” she said, while Hugh’s phone buzzed around the chest of drawers. Allie reached for it automatically. “It’s Nancy,” she said, handing it to him. “That’s Emmy’s mum, right?”
“Yeah.” He frowned at the phone.
“Answer it,” Allie said. “I’m going.”
“I wouldn’t answer it anyway.” He tapped at the phone screen. “It won’t be anything important – just one of her random chats about Emmy.”
Allie sat on the bed and watched him type a message, telling Nancy he was busy with work and asking if the call was urgent.
“I think you’ve fibbed a little there,” Allie remarked as he hit send.
“You don’t think I’m busy with work?” He lolled his head on the pillow. “I’ll have you know that trying to find the motivation to leave this bed is incredibly hard work.”
“I’m not sure that’s the sort of work you implied you were busy with.”
“I can’t help how she interprets the message, can I?” His adorable smile was utterly infectious. “Anyway, she says it’s not important and she’ll call again later.” He showed her the phone when the response came through, and Allie felt an odd satisfaction at the way he was so open with her.
“I really have to go.” She leaned down to kiss him. “I’ll message you later.”