Page 85 of Playing for Keeps
It felt as though the walls were closing in on her as she dashed along the corridor, and she had to close her eyes in the lift to subdue the claustrophobic feelings. Only when she was out in the cool air did she feel as though she could breathe more easily. The tears that had threatened spilled down her cheeks now, and she let them fall as she stood with her hands on her hips, drawing in deep breaths.
Finally, she headed for the nearest bench. Her breathing evened out as she stared across the bleak car park. It wasn’t long before Bella took a seat beside her.
“Alegra,” she said, resting a hand between Allie’s shoulder blades.
“That’s so weird,” Allie murmured.
“What is?”
“People calling me Alegra. I’ve got used to Allie.”
“Yes. I kind of like it.”
Bella’s eyebrows rose but she didn’t comment, just gave Allie a sympathetic smile. “Are you okay?”
“Yes. Sorry for dashing out of there. I just needed a minute to myself.”
“You know your dad meant well,” Bella said. “Which isn’t to say you shouldn’t be angry with him. But his heart really was in the right place.”
“I know.” Allie wiped more tears from her face. “I’m not angry with him.” She puffed out a laugh. “Well, I am, but it’s not him tricking me into going to Hope Cove that upset me.”
“What then?”
Allie took a moment to compose herself enough to say what was bothering her. “I’m upset because he was right,” she said eventually. “Which is partly annoying just because I hate it when he’s right.” She tipped her head back and stared at the dark clouds overhead. “But also because I really did enjoy the lack of responsibility.”
“What’s so bad about that?” Bella asked. “Surely you taking a break and enjoying yourself is a good thing?”
Allie wasn’t sure that was true. “It was great while it lasted. But what do I do now?”
“What do you want to do?”
The images that flicked through her mind were mostly of her time with Hugh over the last few weeks, but not only that. There were also her early morning walks along the coast, and the moments of utter peace when she sat in a deserted cove watching the ebb and flow of the sea. Even the waitressing had been pleasant. She’d enjoyed the time with customers and getting to know the staff, even if some of them were a little hard to crack.
“I don’t want to come back to Surrey.” She felt a cool flutter of dread at the thought of it. “After my injury, I threw myself into running Fox Hill because I didn’t know what else to do. It felt like my only option.”
“It’s definitely not your only option,” Bella said.
“I should come back, though.” Her insides twisted and she pushed down a barrage of tears that threatened behind her eyes. “Dad needs me, and you need help with the club.”
“I’m fine with the club. Your dad will be back to help me in a few days.” She raised an eyebrow. “Whether I like it or not.”
“Doesn’t he need to take more time off?”
“Taking time off and resting is probably more stressful for him than working.” She took Allie’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “His initial heart attack was scary, but with the surgery he really should be good again now.”
Allie put an arm around her cousin’s shoulders and pulled her in for a side hug. “Thank you for looking after him. And I’m sorry for snapping at you on the phone earlier.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’m just relieved you don’t hate me.”
“Not possible.” Allie dipped her head to rest her forehead against Bella’s.
“I should go and check on the club,” Bella said eventually.
Allie felt a heaviness descend on her chest. “Do you want me to come with you?”
“Do you want to?” Bella asked as she stood.