Page 89 of Playing for Keeps
“Yeah. No. Well just apologise for whatever…” He trailed off, shifting in his seat.
Hugh stared at his pint for a moment, then decided he was an idiot and stood up again. “You’re right, I need to apologise.”
“Now?” Damian asked. “You only just got here.”
“I’ll be back,” he said, knowing he wouldn’t be able to focus on anything until he’d spoken to Allie. He pressed dial on her number as he headed for the door and she answered at the exact moment he stepped outside.
“Hi,” she said, sounding decidedly less bubbly than usual.
“How’s your dad?” he asked, panicking that things might have taken a downhill turn.
“He’s back home and driving me crazy.”
“That’s good, I guess. Good that he’s home, anyway.”
“Yeah. How’s everything with you?”
“Fine.” The patio was deserted and he sank onto the nearest bench. “I should have called you earlier. I wanted to apologise for yesterday.”
Her silence wasn’t exactly reassuring.
“I just don’t get on well with my mum,” he went on. “And I don’t like talking about her.”
“Okay,” Allie said slowly. “I had the feeling I annoyed you. I didn’t mean to.”
“You didn’t. It wasn’t you. I don’t like talking about her with anyone. She’s not in my life any more so there really isn’t any reason to talk about her. I shouldn’t have been so grumpy with you though. Especially when you’re having such a stressful time.”
“It’s fine,” she said, not sounding overly convincing.
“I’m sorry,” he said again. “I wish I could give you a big hug.”
“Me too.” She sounded instantly brighter. “That sounds like exactly what I need.”
“Are you still thinking you’ll be back at the weekend?” Selfishly, he hoped it wouldn’t be longer. He was already missing her.
“Yes. I want to stay and take care of my dad for a couple of days, but I don’t think I need to be here for longer than that.”
Considering he hadn’t known her long, it was a little disconcerting how much he missed her. He was already wishing the time away until he’d see her again.
When Hugh’s phone rang on Friday afternoon, vibrating on his desk in front of him, he was glad of the distraction. He’d been staring blankly at the computer screen for a good half hour, unable to concentrate due to thoughts of Allie and of the golf project, which he seemed to be constantly drawn to in favour of his paid projects.
Automatically, he smiled when he saw it was Emmy calling.
“Hello,” he said with the phone to his ear. “How is everything?” He waited a beat but there was no response. “Emmy?” he said, then looked at his phone, checking they were connected before returning his phone to his ear. “I can’t hear you. I’m not sure if you meant to call but I’ll hang up and try calling you back.” He’d just started to move the phone when a noise stopped him. A sniff, as though she was crying.
“Daddy,” she said, her voice breaking on the word which she’d stopped using when she was around four.
“Em?” Fear gripped his insides and made his heart beat faster. “Sweetheart? What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know,” she said, her voice garbled as she cried.
“Are you hurt?”
“No,” she managed.