Page 9 of Playing for Keeps
“I’m twenty-nine,” she said, trying not to feel offended. A huffy waitress was probably the last thing he needed.
“Sorry. I only meant that in very general terms you’re about the right age. To be honest, I hadn’t even looked at you. You appeared and I panicked.”
“I saw that.” She smiled softly.
“Dating is horrible,” he said. “And my date isn’t even here yet. I don’t know why I’m doing this.”
His openness was endearing and made Allie want to continue the conversation when she probably should just take his order and move away.
“I’m sure it’ll be fine,” she said, aiming for a soothing tone.
“What if she’s way older than she said she is? She said she’s thirty-six, but my friends say people lie on dating apps all the same.”
“Usually men though,” Allie said, then wondered if that were true. Maybe women were just as bad.
The sound of stilettos clicking on the tiled floor had them both turning to the sophisticated older woman entering the restaurant.
Hugh let out a strangled hum as the woman walked in their direction. When she was almost at the table, she waved at a group near the window and veered in their direction.
“Oh my god,” Hugh muttered on a long exhale.
“Did you think that was your date?”
“My heart is going crazy.”
Allie couldn’t help but smile as her gaze followed the mature woman who greeted her friends with air kisses. “That would have been funny.”
“No, it wouldn’t.”
“She’s very attractive.” Allie dragged her gaze back to Hugh.
“Also old enough to be my mother.” He squeezed the bridge of his nose. “Why on earth am I putting myself through this?”
“You’ll be fine,” Allie said blithely. “Have you got an exit strategy?”
His eyes widened. “A what?”
“You know, like a friend who you can message if things aren’t going well. They’ll call you with some fake emergency to give you an excuse to leave quickly.”
“Do people really do that?”
She chuckled. “I’m winding you up. Look, I’m sure you’ll have a lovely evening. If it doesn’t go well, it’s only a couple of hours out of your life. Relax and enjoy it.”
“That’s difficult when you’ve just told me I should have devised a way to escape from my date.”
“I might be a bit cynical. Ignore me.”
“It’s exactly the sort of comments my friends were making.”
“Because people prefer to talk about disastrous dating experiences than the mediocre ones. Most dates are just mediocre.”
“So I should settle in for a boring evening?”
Gentle laughter rumbled through her. “I feel as though I should stop talking and get you a drink.”
“Yes …” He trailed off as another woman walked into the restaurant.
This one appeared to be in her mid-thirties and looked about as nervous as Hugh. Her eyes darted around the room until they settled on him and she gave a shy, questioning smile.