Page 16 of Pyro
Trying to snag him, Cameron moved too quickly, causing me to wince and cry out. Mr. Montclair stopped pacing and immediately turned to me, frowning as Cameron bumped into him. I watched as Mr. Montclair stared down at Cameron, who gulped, slowly backing away from him before turning back towards me. “Sorry sissy.”
Smirking, I nodded.
“Okay everyone,” Mr. Montclair growled. “Just got off the phone with King. He wants the kids packed and ready to travel by morning. He doesn’t want them left here while Hiller is on the loose. He’s calling in some favors with some old military friends of his to find out what Hiller is up to. Until then, he wants the kids secured.”
“What? Wait just one minute,” I said, shaking my head, getting to my feet, holding my side. “We can’t leave. This is our home. This place is all we have left of our mom and dad. We can’t just up and leave because you say so.”
“Look kid...”
Taking a step closer to the handsome, albeit annoying, man, I stood my ground. “Mr. Montclair, I am nineteen years old. I’m an adult. Not a kid, and my name is Skylar Rose Hobbs.”
“Ms. Hobbs,” Mr. Montclair grumbled, stepping closer to me. “You can’t stay here with Hiller on the prowl. Whatever he’s doing here, it’s not good. Didn’t you hear my brothers? The man’s a snake. There are property markers all around your property. Someone’s been here, scouting your property without your knowledge.”
“That may be, but this is my home and I’m not leaving.” I held firm, refusing to back down. I didn’t know what it was about the man, but something about him called to me deeply. I could see pain and anguishin his eyes. The man was hurting like me and a small part of me felt compelled to help ease his pain.
Too bad for him his next words pissed me off.
“Oh honey, you’ll go, even if I have to haul you out of here myself.”
I narrowed my eyes.
“Wanna bet?”
“Oh, this is gonna be good,” one of his friends said.
“’Bout time someone gave Pyro a run for his money.”
“And another one bites the dust,” another said.
Ignoring the men, I carried on. “My father left this house for me and Cameron. We are not leaving.”
“It’s not safe. Besides, you barely have any food in this place. Your brother runs around like a hooligan, while you do what? Sit around tweeting or talking to your friends? You should have used the money I gave you for food, not stupid girlish things. Do you even care that your brother has nothing to eat?”
Before I could stop myself, I hauled off and slapped the man across the face.
When I realized what I had done, I backed away, my hand going to my mouth as tears pooled in my eyes. Refusing to utter another word, I walked away and headed to my room, quietly shutting the door behind me.
Oh God. What did I do?
He came to help, and I just slapped him.
Covering my face in shame, I tried to stem the tears threatening to fall. This was all too much. I didn’t know what to do. Who to trust. I knew those men were friends with my dad, but so was Sergeant Hiller and he stole my ability to care for my brother.
Everything was so messed up.
I wanted to trust Mr. Montclair, but he didn’t want to help me. I could see that clearly. He didn’t want to be here. There was something about the handsome man that intrigued me, drew me to him, but all he saw was a silly teenager.
Not the real me.
The person who I truly was.
As hard as I tried to stay cordial, I allowed my temper to get the best of me and I slapped him. If my mother were here, she would be angry with me. She raised me to treat a guest with dignity and respect.
I got that Mr. Montclair and his friends were only here to help me and Cameron, but we were doing fine. Yeah, we didn’t have a lot, and the cabinets were almost empty, but I was managing the best I could. Mom never taught me what to do if both of them died.
I was figuring out this whole mess the best I could.
Maybe Mr. Montclair was right.