Page 21 of Pyro
“How was the trip?” she asked.
“It was an experience.” I smirked.
“I bet,” the pretty woman chuckled. “I’m surprised you survived it. Chase can be moody on a good day. Speaking of which, where is the grumpy bastard?”
Looking around the compound, I couldn’t find him.
“Let’s get you both inside the clubhouse and settled,” King ordered as Frank, Scribe, Priest and Cameron were already heading inside the clubhouse.
Following, I wondered where the other Mr. Montclair ran off to.
Chapter Eight
Slamming my door shut behind me, I leaned against it and sighed.
It was done.
I did what I could and now she was King’s problem. It had been the longest six hours of my life sitting next to her as I drove all of us from West Virginia back home to the Shenandoah Valley. Never thought I’d be so happy to see these damn mountains again. But the second I pulled into the compound, a relief unlike I never felt washed over me. Watching as my brother and Venom greeted the young woman, I slipped inside the clubhouse and never looked back.
I had fulfilled my obligations and now I was free to return to my life. Pulling off my shirt, I unbuckled my jeans while kicking off my boots. I desperately needed a shower and a good night’s sleep. I wanted to wash the last forty-eight hours away and forget it ever happened.
Mainly I wanted to forget about her. Everything about her rattled me. From the way she softly spoke to the smell of her seeping into my pores. Most importantly, I wanted to forget the feeling of her as she hugged me. Almost as she imprinted herself into my skin, I could still feel her against me, holding me tightly.
Heading to my bathroom, I turned on the shower then stepped in, allowing the hot water to wash the stink off me. Placing my hand on the wall, I hung my head, closing my eyes and my Ellie’s sweet face appeared, as the tension I was feeling evaporated. Taking my time, I washed and enjoyed the hot water. After more time than I generally allowed, I turned off the water, reaching for a clean towel. Wrapping it around me, I stepped out of the shower and walked back into my room to find King sitting in the only chair I kept in my room.
“How did it go?”
“You already know. Priest and Scribe kept you updated,” I said, heading for my dresser for a clean shirt and sweatpants.
“I’m asking you, Chase.”
Dropping the towel, I quickly dressed. “We got there just in time. When we arrived, someone was on the property. Frank, Scribe and Priest gave chase but returned empty-handed. Which reminds me, call Claudia and see if she can check Skylar Rose out. She’s favoring her right side. It is possible she fractured one or two ribs.”
“Claudia is here tending to her. I saw her face, Chase. Whoever beat her intended to hurt her badly.”
“I know,” I muttered, sitting on my bed looking everywhere instead of at him. I knew what he was looking for. He wanted some semblance of emotion from me. Anything to let him know I was still there. Since Ellie’s death, I bottled myself up and sank deep inside myself, where I never allowed myself to get attached to anything or anyone again.
I did what was required of me.
That was it.
The bare minimum.
If King or anyone else wanted more, they would never get it.
I was dead inside and I planned on keeping it that way.
“I’ve called a few former military friends of mine who all worked with Hiller at one point or another. All of us ran our own special forces unit. They all want in on this. None of them liked Hiller.”
“So, you have everything handled, then?”
King slowly shook his head. “No, Chase. As long as Hiller remains a threat, Skylar’s safety is still at risk. Just because you took her out of a dangerous situation doesn’t mean the danger to her and Cameron is over. Until I know exactly what this club is dealing with, I want Skylar protected.”
“So ground her. Don’t let her leave the clubhouse. Should be easy enough.”